I believe that God interacts with His people on a daily basis. He desires to do that. Sure, we should see Him when we open our eyes, or dress ourselves, when we arrive at our destinations safely, and greet our family & friends. Yes, these are miracles we take for granted and we SHOULD give thanks to God for them. However, if at the end of the day, we cannot pinpoint a certain moment where there was a Yeshua-experience just for us, we have missed Him. I am going to start a series in which I detail those Yeshua Moments in my life and I hope you do the same. Let’s practice His presence. Let’s consciously choose to see Him in everything, everywhere! Here’s the point–”The more we focus on what He IS doing, the more of that He will do in our lives. If we focus on what He is NOT doing, He will NOT do anything–and it is not that He is Not doing anything, but that is all that you will see.” So let’s practice the presence of our God for the next 30 days and record them so that our spirits can be alive in Him. Let’s help to build one another’s faith and awaken our spiritual pores to the living Presence of our Abba. Come on! Let’s walk with the Father!
Day #24 — “The Promise of Spring”
It’s been great to finally get out from our snowed-in cabins, feel the fever abate, (you know, cabin fever) and drive on slushy, icy streets — just to feel the sunshine and to see all the snow that was dumped on neighborhoods. Upon my return home, I noticed the bushes in front of my house, heavy ladened with snow. I knew the promise of the spring, azaleas — pink, white, and purple — in full bloom. Bushes deep green and full with life. I am no horticulturalist, but seeing those bushes ladened with snow just did not seem healthy. Take a look below!
So I got out of the car and attempted to extricate them from their snow caps. To my surprise, as I tried to lift big chunks, the snow was still powdery, so it crumbled in my hands. Then I used the snow shovel to free them. It wasn’t before long that I was winded but managed to rescue a few of them while the others sadly wore their caps of snow. When I went inside and looked out the back window, I saw my gardenia bush, bent to the ground in its coat of snow and extricating it meant walking through 14 inches, digging it out then digging out myself.
Galatians 6 says something quite relevant to my snow-covered bushes: “Bear one another’s burdens” (2) That’s what I tried to do with the bushes. That’s what we should do with one another. But then there are some burdens that we must bear alone: “For every man shall bear his own burden” (5). Those bushes that could not be extricated now must bear the weight of their own burden until the sun comes out and the temperature rises. And there is still always a promise of spring.
Father, there are times when you will send someone to come along side us to help. Thank you for those times and for those servants. Let those who help not crumble under the weight of helping, but let them be revived in seeing an improvement in the lives of the ones they help. And, Father, in those times when we are to bear our own burden, give us the strength to do it, even when we are bowed under the weight of it — let us remember the promise of sunshine, better temperatures . . . and ultimately the promise of spring. Amen!
Thank you for this blog! It certainly resonates with me and my recovery from a tumultuous time in my life. I had to bear my own burden for quite some time. I was angry, confused, and well, simply defeated. I wondered why I was alone in this mess. And now, in hindsight, I understand it was required it I do it alone. I became stronger because I carried the weight of my own miscalculations and poor decisions. On my own. Had I had help my strength today would be lesser and my dependence on others may be greater. I am more confident and believe in my own strength now more than ever!
God then sent me help at a time I could recognize it and not resent it. He sent me a man who is clear about his own life and appreciates the clarity in mine. He sent this wonderful person who helps in a way I have never allowed myself to be helped. Help in the form of honesty, intelligence, decency, and unfathomable humor. He sent me help at a time when i could see the beauty in it, and thrive with it, and hopefully marry it one day!! :):)
Thank you, Juanita!!
Thank you for bearing witness to the truth of this statement! I am so glad that you could take advantage of the time spent in molding you so that you would be prepared to receive a blessing! Just imagine — there are many times that we reject a blessing b/c we have not allowed the previous trial to fashion us!
PS — the two of you together must be a ‘hoot’ — “unfathomable humor” — wow, he is perfect for you! I am so happy for you!