The Bible says “When the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his son . . .” (Gal. 4:4) The time was right! The world was in need of the Savior. What if He had not come in the first century? What if He had come in our day? First of all — I know, I know — none of us would be here (That’s true). But it would be a very different time. The world would have been almost completely pagan with only a few believing Jews still holding on to the belief that a Messiah is coming. There would have been no 12 disciples or Paul to spread the gospel–no Protestant Reformation. Already the time in which Yeshua came was full of political tyranny, social injustice, and religious corruption. Let’s not mention the idolatry! Teraphim — gods — being bought and sold in the marketplace. Yet He came.
I’m reminded of how Adonai would tell the patriarchs not to enter a town b/c it had not reached its peak of iniquity; it was dangerously close to being judged. I think that the world was hovering dangerously close to that peak when Yeshua came. If He had come a year later, or even centuries later, we would have been a people whose sins would have been irreparable — like in the days of Noah. How would we have known Him when He came? I believe God would have suffered a much worse fate in our hands!
Thank you, Yeshua, for coming when you did. You saw us, lured by your strange love, throughout the centuries to come . . . so you came! What an awful time you chose politically . . . but you knew it would be a time that would reap the greatest consequences for evangelism. And still so many need to know about you and be lured also by that compelling, wonderful, amazing love! Help us who are here live out that reason for which you came . . . when you did.
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