Here is what is so amazing! God is omniscient! That means he is all knowing; when he moves or works, he does it so that it will yield the greatest results. For example, Yeshua knew that the Samaritan woman would be at the well at a certain hour. So he changed his usual route and took one that was forbidden, just to get to her at that time. He knew that this woman’s conversion would have eternal consequences for the region of Samaria. He knew that she would be one of the greatest evangelists in history and many would be brought to him because of her testimony.
He knew that if He came in the first century that you and I would be born when and where we were born. He knew that His Bride had the greatest opportunity to be the fullest she could ever be if He came when He did.
And to the unbeliever, he knew that His coming in the 1st century meant that you had the greatest chance to hear the Gospel message and to accept him. Amazing!
Father, the more I think of what you have done, the more incredible you become to me. As God, You saw us before we were ever formed. As Father, you came to us when we needed you. As Savior, you died for us! We were in your plan and in your mind! All I can say is that YOU ARE AMAZING! Amen!
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