“Blessed are the Hungry. You said it-I believe it. Hunger is an escort to deeper things of You!”

These are lyrics from Misty Edwards’ song “Soul Cry” (boldface mine).

Everyone of us is hungry for the things of God. Some of us just don’t know it! I just encourage you not to eat too long and voraciously from the table of this world. It will never fill you! You will just eat because your soul is hungry, but the things of this world will never satiate the hunger.
God has given us that hunger so that it will escort us to the deep things of God!

1) the grace of a Redeemer who was not satisfied to leave us without access to Him;
2) the compassion of a Creator who says I want to give you all that I have;
3) the unconditional love of a Father who says I have graduated you from servant, to child, to joint-heir!

Is anyone hungry? Yes, we all are!

Thank you, Father, for making us hungry, for putting the hunger within us so that we would want you, so that we could not miss your divine encounters, so that we would not be satisfied by anything  or anyone but You! Make us aware of our hunger, Father. You are the best “thing” for us! You are what we need! . Even if we never acknowledge it cognitively, the yearning in our spirits say it is so. You are absolutely amazing! Amen.

Enjoy Misty Edwards’ song “Soul Cry.”

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  1. Amen I agree.


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