Every month your bank sends you a statement, making you aware of how much money you have saved and the interest you have earned. Your investment company does the same with your IRA’s or TSA’s. Depending upon the market and your future plans, you know if you need to increase your deposit. You can sit back and watch your savings grow and then plan your life and future accordingly.
In Matthew 6:20, Yeshua says to “Store up riches for yourselves in heaven” (TEV). I don’t get a monthly statement from heaven letting me know I much I have stored up. God doesn’t even whisper in my ear, “Do some more good works. Your savings are a little lean.” I realized that I don’t know how much treasure I have stored up in heaven, but Yeshua himself says to “store” it up.
- Here’s a question: What if I knew? Would my storage be based upon my greed, my self-centeredness? Probably so! Oh, let me do a few more good works to increase my treasure. But here’s a revelation that just hit me–my love for God is the only thing that matters. It will determine how much treasure I have stored up in heaven! The more I love Him, the more I do the things that are motivated by His love = (equals) the more treasure I have.
I must admit, it would be nice to get a statement from heaven showing a bulging account. But you know exactly what I would do — yes, I’d rest on my laurels.
- Unfortunately, on earth we save and may not get a chance to enjoy our treasures because of an early death. Someone else gets to enjoy it. But in heaven, they are mine and I have a guarantee that I will enjoy them! Can’t beat those dividends!
- Another thing is — I don’t even know what kind of treasure it is. What is it? Maybe the amount of treasure we have should matter but what kind it is should not — heavenly treasure is not even weighed by the same measure as earthly treasure! Yooo Hooo!
Anyway, here’s to doing what Yeshua admonished us to do — storing up treasures for ourselves in heaven!
PRAYER: Father, I’m glad it’s You keeping track of our accounts. I’m glad it’s You motivating our hearts to love You. I’m glad it’s You telling us that what we do on earth in the Name of Your Son will last throughout all eternity — not just last but be treasure for us in heaven. Moth can’t corrupt it! Time can’t destroy it! Decay can’t touch it! I don’t know how much it is or what kind it is — all I know is Your loving, just heart! Thank you for giving me the chance to work for You! Nothing can be the wages I earn with you! Yoo Hooo! Ooops! Amen!
Here’s to all that matters:
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