Why He made you in His image? And then why He put you on this earth?
Scientists say that one day the sun will burn out. I believe them! Their hypothesis directly relates to the answer to each of the questions above.
When God made the heavens and the earth, they were perfect (Genesis 1:1). I think we can all agree on that! Then evil rose up in Lucifer’s heart; he wanted to be like God (Is. 14: 12-15). This happened long before Adam and Eve were created. So God cast the adversary down from the heavens he corrupted into the earth, which became formless, void, and dark because of his presence (Genesis 1:2). In other words, the adversary brought chaos upon the earth. It, too, was corrupt.
To redeem that which had been perfect, God devised a plan. I can imagine He said, “I am going to give this earth to humans (Genesis 1:26) [THIS IS WHY HE MADE YOU]. It does not belong to the adversary; I made hell for him and his angels. I will make my humans in my image and my likeness so that they will KNOW . . .
that the earth belongs to them;
that I have given them the authority to take control of it;
that I sanctioned and signed this deed to the entire earth.”
And He wanted us to have the power to subdue and cultivate the earth and to resist the evil that has been cast into it.
To assist, God makes a temporary light for humans (Genesis 1: 3-5) — the sun so that we would not be perpetually afraid of the dark.
This was not his original plan, but now it becomes the plan for redemption of the heavens and the earth.
OUR MISSION — Should we choose to accept it.
God says, “Occupy until I come.” Adam is not able to hold out, although he was in the image of God, so God sends the Light of the World to give man greater hope of subduing the earth and his enemy. He redeems us. Our mission is to hold out until the world is redeemed. If we hold out, the earth is ours and iniquity will not rise up a second time [THIS IS WHY HE PUT YOU ON EARTH].
One day the sun will burn out because the book of Revelation tells us that at the end of the age, there will be no need of the sun, for the Son of God will light the heavens, the earth, and the entire universe.
PRAYER: Father, you trust us to partner with you in the redemption of the world. Wow! Do we feel special? Yes! Do we feel loved? Indeed! We have missed it, and you have been patient. The world is so topsy-turvy! The reason: we have not been occupying until you come. We didn’t know that we were this important to your whole plan. Thank you for not giving up on us . . . for not destroying us and starting with a whole new batch. We love you. Thank you for giving earth to us! We will hold out and subdue until the Light of the World lights heaven and the whole earth with his glory. Amen!
“The one who sits on the throne says, ‘Behold! I make all things new.’” (Revelation 21:5)
Enjoy “Who Am I” by Casting Crowns!
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