“It’s disappearing! The glow that Moses had on his face when he came down from the mountain after being with God — well, it’s disappearing! Maybe if the glow disappears, just maybe, just maybe, this God would disappear too.”

Did Moses think the Israelites reasoned like this? Look at what the Apostle Paul writes in 2 Corinthians 3:13 about this scenario.

“We are not like Moses, who put a covering over his face so the Israelites would not see it. The glory was disappearing, and Moses did not want them to see it end” (2 Corinthians 3:13).

Moses did not want them to see the glory end! He did not want this experience to be a passing phase for his people. What would they do when it disappeared? What would they do at the end? Would they still believe? Or would they doubt and complain and rebel?

So he covers his face.

Paul says earlier, “This new way (life in Yeshua) which continues forever has much greater glory” (2 Corinthians 3:11) than the former way which came with glory and then disappeared.

Don’t cover your faces! Don’t put your lights under a bushel! What is in you has greater glory and will last forever! Don’t be afraid that it will come to an end. It will never!

PRAYER: Father, thank you for Moses and the glory of the former house that you gave to him. Now we thank you for the glory of the latter house. May we live as though we are basking in a glory that will endure forever! That enduring glory will be the greatest testimony of an ever-present God who abides with us forever. Triple Amen!