“The Gift of Hunger”
When I taught my high school English students to analyze poetry, I always asked them to explain the author’s purpose in writing the poem. What was his/her intent?
Invariably they would respond . . .
- “How do we know?”
- “We weren’t with him when he wrote it.”
- “He’s dead now.”
- “How will we ever know?”
Even my suggestions of what I felt the author meant were met with “He could have meant something totally different!”
“That is true,” I explained, “but this is not something I made up. My suggestions are sound because I have done something you have not done.
“I have studied his life! You won’t know the author’s purpose if you don’t know the author.”
“Read as much about the author as possible,” I told them! “Then you can understand his motivation, his intent. Then you can understand his diction (word choice), his tone, his message!”
As you study the Word of God this year, I encourage you to get to know the Author. Every word that He spoke is an avenue into His heart. Every phrasing, a sliver of His mind. Every nuance of language, a facet of His personality! This is what Jeremiah the prophet said:
When your words came, I ate them; they were my joy and my heart’s delight (Jer. 15:16)
The same one who said, “Apart from me you can do nothing” (John 15:5) also said, “Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out demons” (Matthew 10:8). What did He mean? What was His intent? What is His purpose?
I pray that this year God will give you the gift of hunger for His words more than ever . . . that it will be the Author of the words that you yearn to know and love! Read His words! Watch movies about his life! Get into exciting Bible studies and prayer meetings! Read books by people who practice His presence! Saturate your mind with as much of Him as possible! Such a hunger will give purpose to your life, and passion to your pursuits!
PRAYER: Abba, that’s our prayer in 2013! Give us the gift of hunger for your words! As we desire your words, unfold your nature to us so that we will know your purpose and all that you want us to know. As your words come, let us eat them! Let them be our joy! Let them be our hearts’ delight! In Yeshua‘s Name, Amen.
Happy New Year from Weiss Ministries as your hunger allows you to feast upon the bounty of His Words!
Let the words of “My Soul Cries” by Misty Lewis minister to you:
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Oh how I yearn to be able to “heal the sick”, provide help for orphans and widows, to be a real intercessor in the matters of God’s people!
I had a dream this morning that, like some of the prophets and apostles of the WORD, I prostrated myself over a sick person (that we both know), and assured her that the love I have for her is not a conjugal or carnal love, and that she can rest assured that there are people in this christian/messiannic culture that mean her no harm and are praying for her to rise up and take charge of the beautiful destiny to which God has called her. In this dream there were flashes of lightening and a glow on her face that was truly amazing.
“In the Name of Yeshua I command all evil spirits, all sickness and disease, all loss of self-esteem, all negative feelings of former abuses to be gone!!”, were my words before her.
I feel as if that dream is enough; that somehow in the spiritual realm it has happened without my physical presence. Pray with me that all of Leadership might be able to circumcise anything that precludes us from being His representatives for the good of others.
Wow! Let this be the hunger that leads us into deeper things of God . . . that as we war in the heavenlies IN OUR DREAMS that the manifestation of that spiritual travail will occur somewhere in this reality. Powerful!!!!! I am praying!!!! Thank you for responding! Keep DREAMING and then WALKING it out in this REALITY!
We shall do greater works!!! The AUTHOR said that . . . and I believe it! I believe that in you and for you!!! Thanks for sharing the dream! Now, Father, bring it to reality!
This was Awesome please con’t to include me.