August 29-31, 2013 (Thu-Sat)
Kingdom World Outreach Center (map)
4221 Pleasant Valley Road, Suite 132, Virginia Beach 23464
Min. Juanita Weiss, Keynote Speaker, 8/29 & Workshop Leader, 8/31
Elder David Weiss, Aaronic Benediction, 8/31
Raising Up An Esther Generation Women’s Conference
August 19, 2013 By
Beautiful women of G_D, my heart is with you ! I believe my daughter Marisa is Esther. (Hadassah 4:14) I soooo need your prayers, and will do also for your daughters and sons. I pray that Yeshua redeems, and restores innocence and purity (to ALL of His children~ young and older !) May your new year be filled with love, joy and peace !