“Then you will know which way to go, since you have never been this way before“ (Joshua 3:4)
In this context, Joshua gives the Israelites the guidelines for crossing the Jordan River. He says . . .
- The priests carrying the Ark would move out into the midst of the flood waters of the Jordan River.
- When the people saw this, they should move out into the waters as well.
- They were to keep their eyes upon the Ark.
- They were to keep a thousand yards away from the Ark as they crossed.
Then he says something simple but profound:
Then you will know which way to go, since you have never been this way before.
- This group of Israelites had never had Joshua as their leader.
- They had never crossed a body of water. (The group who crossed the Red Sea all died in the wilderness, except Caleb and Joshua.)
- This group had never seen priests step out into a body of water.
- They had never seen floodwaters defy nature, roll away, and then stand upright,
- Or walk across a riverbed on dry land.
This was a new experience for them. They had never been that way before, and historically, they would never be at that place again.
Think about where you are now. You will NEVER be in this situation again. Savor the moment. That’s what I believe the Israelites did; they captured the moment. They . . .
- Let the wind sweeping back the waters of the Jordan caress their faces.
- Felt the firmness of the dry ground under their feet.
- Watched the fearless priests step out into the Jordan at flood season, not sure of what would happen;
- Saw the men lift large boulders from the dry river bed and take them to the plush banks of the Jordan.
- Captured Joshua as he stacked twelve additional boulders in the midst of the river where the priests stood.
- Experienced the adrenaline rush as they hurried to the other side, their eyes always upon the Ark.
- They remembered the priests leaving the Jordan, approaching their side of the river banks.
- They beheld the waters that had stood up vertically now rushing to its horizontal position in the river bed;
- And they were drenched in the spray of the returning waters.
They had never been that way before, nor would they ever again.
If you were laid off today, tomorrow’s experience will be totally different from today’s — even though you may still be without a job. Be like the Israelites and . . .
- Remember what it is like to trust him when you can’t trust yourself.
- Experience God, who never forsakes the righteous, bring you through.
If you have lost a loved one, each day without that person will be totally different.
- Be comforted in the arms of The Father of Compassion who is touched with our infirmities.
- Feel him bear the load with you, making each day lighter.
PRAYER: Abba, help us to capture the moment of our trial so that we can relish the moment of our victory! Forgive us for seeing obstacles as JUST obstacles and not as opportunities for you to be glorified and our faith developed. Let us capture every once-in-a-lifetime uncrossable Jordan in our lives and REALLY LIVE in the moment of our passage! YOU always go before us, and then YOU always beckon us to come! THEN, let us come! Amen!
Just think of the sound of the Water, being divided , to even witness it standing tall like a wall! I’m sure that not only the Israelites , but all the surrounding inhabitants of the land, could hear this sound that penetrated even their bodies! The very breath of God, how Amazing !
Even writing it, I tried to imagine the wall of water receding for over a mile! Our God is just too amazing for words! Thank you, Pamela, for your comment!
You said a mouthful: “Our God is just too amazing for words!”
How amazing is right! The more I read in the Bible of the amazing things he has done, the more I want to see them in our lifetime! I know you stand with me in wanting that as well! I want to either hear the sounds of the water or be in the midst of the water!!!! Amen!