Every young girl has dreamed of a prince charming, and maybe every guy has dreamed of being a knight in shining armor. I think those images have been embedded in our little psyches. But it’s all foreshadowing! What if at the end of time that is what our Bridegroom becomes!
All our lives longing for him to swoop us up from all social stations — whether we live lavishly in the highest strata of society or we eke out a living in the lowest– that disparity never dampened our dream.
Isn’t that amazing? That such a dream is so etched within us that nothing can shake it.? Even if we marry someone who is less than we envision, that dream is still there! I believe that is so because there is a greater reality of that dream! It transcends imagination, time and space. It came from the One who will make it true!
One day the eastern sky will violently separate, a Phantom Figure will appear hailing from the courts of eternity, and the Bride of Messiah will be in for a wild ride!!!
Where are we going? It doesn’t matter. He will be there!!!
It will be an event greater than the sum total of all of our imaginings put together!
At that point, the memory of the dream will merge with the reality of its truth!
Our hearts will melt in His presence!
Our eyes will be filled with the wonder of it all!
Our emotions will be overcome with the dashing rescue!
A secret mountain chateau, a white beach and clear blue waters; a cottage along a European landscape will not compare to the plans our Prince Charming has prepared for us!
And the banquet table, feasting on indescribable food . . . all while basking in the deeply eternal satisfying nature of His presence!
It’s time to connect with our dream — that is one dream that is sure to come true!!!!!! I am awaiting the wild ride!
“Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.” Hebrews 12:2
I wonder if a God sized dream possesses similar components describing our Messiah’s anticipation.
The Dream brings JOY
The Dream is always before you
The Dream requires endurance
The Dream requires a cross (that which must be born for the better of others)
The Dream yields shame to be ignored/despised (the dream busters desire to always disqualify and minimize the value of the dream. Why? What they didn’t understand is that the Dream was for their benefit. Sounds like Joseph’s brothers too doesn’t it?
Just my thoughts . . . Dreams are Father’s character deposits entrusted to sons and daughters that we might sit with Him. He invites us all to become Dream Releasers for He is the DreamGIver. Let’s join Him, shall we!
I’m joining with you in releasing the dreams that the DreamGiver gives!!!!! Amen!