We rode through the tribal land of Judah, which encompasses the southern part of Israel. What beautiful mountains and desert! I envisioned Abraham walking that land en route to Egypt … and Moses fleeing there when he ran from Pharoah and made a temporary home in the land of Midian. It was in that area where we saw the very isolated community of the Druze, descendants of Moses’ father-in-law Jethro. The tour guide told us that they guard the secrets of their religion, only divulging them among the ancients.What was so amazing is that even though the land looked barren and uninhabitable, the Israelis have learned to make the desert blossom according to the prophecy of Isaiah. Rows of date palms snap to military formation in the desert heat (bottom). Fields of corn abound under white plastic canopies which protect the plants from UV Rays, allowing them to grow faster and yield a greater harvest (bottom). God has blessed this land so that the Israelis are able to cultivate where nothing has ever grown, and to plant corn, tomatoes and cucumbers even in the winter.As He has brought His people back into the land, so has He made the desert come back to life. Along the Dead Sea, fresh water pools are popping up, reminding us that in the Garden of Eden, water would come up from the ground to water its fauna and foliage. Here, one is not gripped by the impossibility of such an event! These pools prove that such irrigation could have easily occurred!
Not only did I see God as a God of His Word, but I hear Him promise make a promise to you as he has made it tom me: to make an oasis in our deserts and to resurrect our inner man in this life, not just the world to come! #holdingtothepromise
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