Archives for November 2015

We Are Thankful . . .

IMG_3503“Give thanks to the Lord for He is good, for His mercies endureth forever!” I (Psalm 136:1)

We are thankful….
that we live in a country which allows us civil and religious freedoms;
that we serve a God who is good;
that terrorists do not have the final word;

We are thankful….
for family and friends, jobs and co-workers;
for life, health and strength;
for the sure mercies of David upon all those who believe;

We are thankful….
because every day that we breathe we get to know His love, His mercy, His grace;
because 2000 years ago, the chasm between us and God was bridged;
because Yeshua gave us a promise of a life to come;

We are thankful….that we can count you among our blessings!

“In everything give thanks for this is the will of God concerning you” (1 Thessalonians 5:18).

May your thanksgiving abound with remembering these blessings as well! Happy Thanksgiving from our house to yours!

“Leaving the City”: From Israel #6


We will be leaving “The City of the Great King” very soon. As it is with any place I visit, I always think about what I will leave behind because I ALWAYS take something away. I will carry with me so many memories, experiences, and revelations. I will leave the very center of the earth and go back to the West. I will leave the Place where Adonai has placed His Name! I am leaving the Place where Yeshua lived and died and was resurrected! And I will leave the place to which He says He is returning!

I have never yearned for Him so much as I did standing there on the Mt. Of Olives. Our group stood in line to enter a chapel that had been built on the very spot from where it is believed that Yeshua ascended. After our turn in line, our group entered the chapel walking on a paved stone floor, which yielded a squared opening of the original stone of the mountain. A powerful feeling of His Presence overwhelmed me when I walked in! We encircled the stone and we sang “Here I Am to Worship!” (see link: IMG_4953-2) The voices filled the space and resounded against the stone walls, wafted through the open windows, and headed heavenward! Unforgettable!

I knew at that moment, I really wanted Him to return! How appropriate a feeling when I was standing in that spot. The one He marked; the one He chose for His return. I joined with the spirit of the angels who had told Yeshua’s disciples that He would return. In tearful, passionate longing, I joined with the Spirit of God in proclaiming, “Come Yeshua! Even so, come Messiah Yeshua!” One day, the Bride will share the Spirit’s desire and proclaim with one intense longing: “EVEN SO, COME!”

It certainly was a place I did not want to leave.

But as I leave this amazing City, I leave my footprints (in so many places, but namely) in the city of Nazareth, on the shores of Galilee, upon the heights of Mt. Carmel, on the Temple Mount, and on The Mount of Olives.

Thank you, Abba, for the experience!











Concert with Baht Rivka Whitten

UnknownKingdom Life Messianic Congregation welcomes Messianic Jewish, Israeli-born BAHT RIVKA WHITTEN, an accomplished musician and worship leader. Her compelling music blesses the nations as she ministers at international conferences, convocations and outreaches around the globe.

Her husband GEORGE, anointed writer and speaker, will bring a fresh perspective on current events in the Middle East both politically and spiritually.

Come out to be blessed and enlightened through Word & Worship.

1280 Bells Mill Road, Chesapeake 23322
Saturday, November 14 — 10:30 A.M. – 12:30 P.M.

David & Juanita Weiss, Messianic Pastors
Shalom Overeecha (Peace & Blessings)

A freewill offering will be taken.