National Day of Prayer – PRAYER VIGIL

Join us on Thursday, May 5th via ZOOM and FBLIVE (@KLmessianiccongregation) as area civic and religious leaders, men women, boys and girls, converge to pray for the state of our nation. The very genesis of revival begins when the Body of Messiah has a hunger for personal righteousness (individual revival); a hunger for righteousness in others (evangelistic revival); and a hunger for righteousness in society (social revival). We will be praying for the 7 PILLARS of American Society: EDUCATION, GOVERNMENT, BUSINESS, ENTERTAINMENT, FAMILY, MILITARY, and the CHURCH. Come READY  — not to spectate BUT — to join your faith and intercession with other believers who fervently pray, “GOD, BLESS AMERICA” and “AMERICA, BLESS GOD!”
May 05, 2016 at 6:30pm – 9:00pm


Meeting ID: 870 7468 3142
Passcode: xzqYG7