Free Hebrew Classes!

UnknownWouldn’t you love to read this passage from Deuteronomy? Maybe you’ve  wanted to learn Hebrew but didn’t know where to go to do it?

Hebrew is the language of the Torah and therefore the language set apart by God. Each Hebrew letter has numerical and symbolic significance.

Enhance your study of the Word of God by learning Hebrew. Kingdom Life Messianic Congregation offers Hebrew classes every Shabbat (Saturday) from 1:45 to 2:45 pm, 1280 Bells Mill Road, Chesapeake, VA 23322

(Monthly freewill offering will be taken for the Hebrew teacher.)

God’s Calendar

As I left the shopping center last night, my eyes were drawn to the moon. There it stood, a round, beautiful, white orb in the eastern sky. I smiled — not at the moon, per se, but at the moon’s Maker. I knew, without a doubt, that it was the middle of the Hebrew month Tevet. A full moon always occurs during the middle of the Hebrew month.

The Creator aligned the stars, planets and moons to his making! He said in Gen. 14:1, “Let there be lights in the vault of the sky to separate the day from the night, and let them serve as signs to mark sacred times, and days and years.”

He’s already marked everything for us.  It’s done! We don’t need to try to “create” anything new! We don’t need an astrologer, a soothsayer or a fortuneteller. He’s marked it all!

I know that the full moon is called, by some, the “harvest moon” for farmer;  the “hunter’s moon” for hunters; and attributed to all kinds of superstitious lore, but do you know that there was a full moon, probably the biggest, brightest full moon ever, the night the Children of Israel left Egypt? There was a full moon on the night Yeshua was born, the night Yeshua wept in the Garden of Gethsemane, and on the night of his crucifixion. All purposeful!! Only God!!!!!

He was the one who commanded us to watch for and observe the new moon each month so that we honor and follow His unique calendar and the arrival of His special holy days. So I have decided to align my life with what God is doing. Even though I live under the Gregorian calendar, I will not set my sights there. I will live according to it in the natural, but NOT in the spiritual! January is January in the natural, but Tevet is spiritual; it is the month God has ordained!

I will set my sights upon what He said He has designated for us, so that I will know the “sacred times, the days and the years,” not to worship the moon or any other celestial being, but to observe it to follow His Calendar.

Do you want to discover what God is doing? Well, let’s align our lives with His times. And when you see a crescent moon, a full moon or just a sliver of a moon, please know that God ordered it to be so at that time and He ordered it for you.

Jews pray at the sight of every new moon. Let me pray this prayer over you during this month of Tevet: “May it be Your will, O LORD our God and God of our fathers, that you renew for us a good month in our Lord Yeshua the Messiah! Amen!”

Chodesh Tov! Have a blessed month!

(Tevet ends January 20th and the month of Shevat begins on the 21st.)

Bethsaida: The Path He Took #7

“Woe to you, Chorazin! Woe to you, Bethsaida! For if the miracles that were performed in you had been performed in Tyre and Sidon, they would have repented long ago, sitting in sackcloth and ashes” (Luke 10:13).

P1030249 My Israel tour group entered the grounds of what was once the town of Chorazin  — scattered stones around the ruins of a synagogue. That’s all that was left. That “Woe” that Yeshua pronounced upon the city is still in effect. No longer a living city, it is now a national park.

From there we walked toward Bethsaida, which means “House of the Fishermen.” It, like Chorazin, is a victim of its faithlessness to the presence of the Messiah, an expanse of leveled ruins. Before Bethsaida sank into spiritual coldness, however, Yeshua called three disciples from that city, one of them Phillip.


The paved road that led to this fallen city — a part of it is still there! The tour guide invited us to sit around this stone path. He said the stone pavers dated to the time of Yeshua  and that Yeshua would have walked this road on his trips to and from Bethsaida. Around that road we sang, “I have decided to follow Jesus, no turning back, no turning back.” I’m sure that road reminded us of the path that we, ourselves, take to walk with him.

It was time to go. I lingered behind, wanting to STAND, SIT, or even LIE PROSTRATE on that same road! It didn’t matter how many other feet had trodden its path. I wanted to sit for a while and think of Him. The mountains of Israel were still there. They had watched the Son of God come and go, traveling from Chorazin to Bethsaida. The voices of the mountains were silent, their emotions dulled, but their eyes were opened to me. I imagined him walking across those stones with the disciples,  teaching them about the Kingdom.

I could have stayed at that sight a little longer . . . The tour guide Gideon hit us with an actuality — Yeshua walked that road — and then it was time to go.  But somehow I had to capture the moment. When everyone had left, I gave my camera to Larry and he hurriedly memorialized that moment for me.

P1030255“No turning back!” Thank You, Yeshua, for walking that road.

Hanukkah Celebrations

  • P1010479HANUKKAH TEACHING w/ Candle lighting (2 candles): Wed., December 17 (Kislev 25), KLM, 6:30 p.m. Have you ever read the story of The Macabbees and the origin of Hanukkah? Come share in this teaching with Pastors David & Juanita Weiss. You will leave enlightened and inspired.
  • HANUKKAH SERVICE: Shabbat Morning, Dec. 20 (Kislev 28), 10:30 Service!
  • HANUKKAH EVENING SERVICE: Dec. 20, 5:00 P.M. Join Kingdom Life Ministries as we gather to celebrate the miracle of Hanukkah with Worship in song and dance, drama, candle lighting (5 candles), dinner and more. May you leave saying, “A Great Miracle Happened Here!”
  • HANUKKAH CELEBRATION: Dec. 23 (Tevet 1). 6:30 P.M. Join the KLMC family as we continue in celebration of the miracle of Hanukkah, re-dedicating ourselves during this Feast of Dedication. There will be Fellowship, Worship, Candle Lighting (8 Candles), Games, Refreshments and more . . .


Acting Opportunities

HammerKingdom Life Messianic Congregation (in conjunction with Weiss Ministries) is looking for two males to play the parts of Shimon and Y’natan Maccabee in the original skit, “The Miracle of Hanukkah.” They must be between the ages of 18 and 40, athletic and animated. The drama will be presented during a Hanukkah Program at Kingdom Life Messianic Congregation, 1280 Bells Mill Road, Chesapeake 23322 on Saturday, December 20th, 2014 at 10:30 am and at 5:00 p.m. Therefore, they must be available for those times.

Each actor will receive a stipend.

If you are interested, or know of someone who might be, please e-mail Pastor Juanita Weiss at for more information.

Thank you & Shalom!

“The Desert Blooms”: From Israel #5

“A Matter of Timimg”: from Israel #3

imageWe were in Jericho proper, a Palestinian controlled territory.  I would get to teach from a balcony overlooking the oldest city in the world. Limestone houses dotted the panoramic view! To the right a tel, a mountain of dirt, held the secret remains of a city destroyed by the strategy of an army empowered by the God of the universe!

I, of course, taught on Joshua. Moses was dead and now Joshua had no recourse but to lead the children of Israel through the Jordan into the Promised Land! He could not go back! There was no other place to go but forward. After he gets across the Jordan, he knows that the next stronghold is Jericho, a strongly fortified city. One morning he is up, no doubt reading the Torah, filling himself with the Word of God, feeling a little apprehensive about taking the city. The Bible says that Joshua “lifted up His eyes and looked.” When the Bible uses that phrase, the one looking always looks up with expectation! And so Joshua did and, when de does, he sees “The Angel Lord” whom he worships as God. This “Angel Lord” gives his all the strategy he needs in order to take the city.

As I encouraged my tour group to “lift up their eyes” in their own Jericho-situations, I pointed above the tel of Jericho, and a rainbow appeared in the sky filling the panorama in front of us with undeniable color!

The story of Jericho and Joshua has taken on a greater meaning for me. I will never be able to read that Book or hear those names  without remembering how God met me on the plains of Jericho in The Holy Land!


Living the Moment: “from Israel” #2

imageOur Boeing 777 landed on the runway of Ben Gurion Airport in Tel Aviv. We were finally here! And on our way up the concourse, there was a sign that said “Welcome to Israel!” Take a a picture of me, I requested, hardly able to contain my excitement.Get passport stamped. Pick up luggage. A two-hour drive in the waning light to Galilee. Tomorrow would hold great promise, I thought.

Magdala was our first stop in the light of morning. In recent years, a synagogue dating back to the times of Yeshua, had been unearthed there.  I thought of her, Mary (Mary of Magdala; you call her Mary Magdalene) and her life-changing encounter with Yeshua (Could this synagogue have been where He met her?) Her encounter with Him caused her to leave that little town and that local synagogue and follow the One who had cast from her seven demons. The guide pointed to a split in the surrounding mountains and said that Yeshua would have walked from Galilee over those mountains down to the city of Magdala. And she would follow Him, I thought, through those mountains, into Capernaum . . . to the cross . . .  and to the grave! 
Next stop–The Mount of Beatitudes: We walked past a garden of olive trees up an incline to to a grove of ficus trees. Under that grove, Bishop taught us from the Sermon on the Mount in the near vicinity of where it is believed to be the spot where Yeshua sat and taught the multitude! A gentle breeze, like the Ruach of God, blew off the Sea of Galilee and made that moment special. The breeze caressed us as we recited together the Lord’s Prayer, just as Yeshua taught His disciples to pray.
The teachings in each spot transported us from 2014 to the first century and allowed us to live those moments that we had read about! Living in the moment with Him enlarges us so that when the time comes, we can live as He lived when we are in less than ideal situations! His Presence is truly here!


“I Can Only Imagine”: From Israel #1

“I can imagine what I would do when my face is before You. When I stand in Your presence, what will my heart feel? Will I dance for You, Jesus, or in awe of You be still. Will I sing hallelujah or be able to speak at all. I can only imagine.”

imageWell, recording artists Mercy Me asked the above questions in wonderment! As I sit on the Boeing 777 plane taking thirty of us across the Atlantic on a tour of Israel, I am 2 hours away from my destination!

And I am asking the same questions that Mercy Me did.

What will I do when the plane touches down at the Ben Gurion  Airport?

What will I do after going through baggage claim and stand on the outside of the airport, on the grounds that He consecrated?

What will I do when our driver picks us up and takes us to the kibbutz in Galilee where I will stay? Galilee was the headquarters of Jesus’s ministry.

What will I do when I board a boat that will sail across the Sea of Galilee?

Or when I teach in the Garden of Gethsemane!?

Or at the Pool of Siloam?

Or stand on the grounds of the ill-fated Jericho!

Well, I can only imagine . . . and you, well, you have to wait for my 2nd blog.

PRAYER: Abba, none of us has any idea what that day will be like when really do stand before You, but until then we want to live every day in Your presence as if it were the last one! And in the land that you blessed with a promise, I want to encounter you in everything I do! Amen!

A Season of Rejoicing

We have entered the season of The Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot) on God’s calendar. It is the only feast in which God calls us to rejoice!

“and you shall rejoice before the LORD your God, you and your son and your daughter and your male and female servants and the Levite who is in your town, and the stranger and the orphan and the widow who are in your midst, in the place where the LORD your God chooses to establish His name.” (Deut. 16:16, italics, underscoring & boldface mine)

Everyone, yes, everyone is commanded to rejoice! We have been given a command to rejoice . . . and for seven days! Seven is the number of spiritual perfection!

“Celebrate this as a festival to the Lord for seven days each year” (Leviticus 23:41).

That seven-day rejoicing prepares our minds to realize that our lives should be lived in complete joy (not only for seven days, but always) because we know the One in Whose presence there is fullness of joy and at Whose right hand there are pleasures forevermore! That indeed is spiritual perfection!!!

The angels understood this when they said to the shepherds:

“Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.” (Luke 2:10) They spoke the language of Sukkot.

The wise men who saw the star knew that this season had brought them the Messiah, so Matthew records that:

“When they saw the star, they rejoiced exceedingly with great joy” (Matthew 2:10).

From prison, Paul tells the Philippians:

Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!”

When the host of heaven sees the reason that we should be rejoicing, they say:

“Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready.” (Rev. 19:7).

What does this have to do with you? You have been called to rejoice! It is a command! Difficult times will come and life happens, BUT we have been commanded to rejoice. So let us, together, push past this veil of flesh! Let us silence the voices of this world that tell us we have nothing to rejoice about! Let us be like the angels, the shepherds, and the great host that stood before the throne and say to one another, “REJOICE!” God gave us the greatest Gift ever, the Gift of His Son and with Him come the fulfillment and the future hope of great promises.

Yes, we DO have a reason to rejoice. Moreover, He says when we rejoice during this Festival, our joy will be made complete.

“For the Lord your God will bless you in all your harvest and in all the work of your hands, and your joy will be complete.” (Deut. 16:14-15)

PRAYER: Abba, thank you for giving us this season as a reminder that this is how we should live . . . in complete joy regardless of our circumstances. As we celebrate The Feast of Tabernacles, thank you for blessing our harvest, the fruit of our hands, and for making our joy complete.