Look Up & LIVE!

I saw him in the distance — a bird pecking at a possible meal in the median of a main highway. He had swooped down to find a worm or bug that had snuggled in a mound of dirt.

As I and another car approached in opposite lanes, the bird swiftly flew toward the oncoming car, but realizing he did not have the time or space for maneuverability, he chose to fly in my direction to escape a collision. In a split second, he realized the futility, so instinctively he flapped his wings, raised his head, and flew upward, away from all possible collisions.

Yes, up, up, and away he flew . . . to LIVE!

Ever keep butting your head against the same barriers that won’t budge!? And you know that pursuing those courses only lead to failure or even defeat? But you still keep doing it?! “Look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh,” Yeshua says  in Luke 21:28. Even though He speaks in this passage about the end times, the idea is true and fitting! Look up and live! No more heads hanging low! Look up! When you look up, you see the endless possibilities; all limitations are broken off. Your possibilities become as open as the expansive sky.

  • In the Bible, the crowd in the desert besieged by snakes were told to “look up” at the brazen serpent and they would LIVE! (Numbers 21)
  • Yeshua, speaking of his death, says, “If I be LIFTED up, I will draw all men unto me!” (John 12:32). So we are called to look up to Him and  LIVE.
  • The psalmist said that the God of Israel was the LIFTER of our heads. (Psalm 3:3)
  • African fathers would LIFT their babies to the sky and say, “Behold the only one greater than yourself!”

We must look beyond our perifery — the right or the left! We must look up, gaze at all our possibilities, and LIVE!

Like the bird of the median, let’s follow: up, up and away . . . and LIVE!

Calling All Esthers


Be Healed and Delivered in His Presence as we Examine

Our Roots, Our Radiance, and Our Reverence!

Sunday, March 16, 2014 @4:00 P.M. – 6:00 P.M.

Beth Messiah Synagogue, 7130 Granby Street, Norfolk, VA 23505.

Speaker: Min. Juanita Weiss.

Worship Leader: Demetria Stallings (www.demetriastallings.com)


Join us for concessions before and after service. Doors open at 3:00.

FREE tiaras to the first 100 Esthers!

THIS IS A FREE EVENT! A Free-Will Offering will be taken!

Come take your rightful place in  the Presence of the King!!!!


Every young girl has dreamed of a prince charming, and maybe every guy has dreamed of being a knight in shining armor. I think those images have been embedded in our little psyches. But it’s all foreshadowing! What if at the end of time that is what our Bridegroom becomes!

All our lives longing for him to swoop us up from all social stations — whether we live lavishly in the highest strata of society or we eke out a living in the lowest– that disparity never dampened our dream.

Isn’t that amazing? That such a dream is so etched within us that nothing can shake it.? Even if we marry someone who is less than we envision, that dream is still there! I believe that is so because there is a greater reality of that dream! It transcends imagination, time and space. It came from the One who will make it true!

One day the eastern sky will violently separate, a Phantom Figure will appear hailing from the courts of eternity, and the Bride of Messiah will be in for a wild ride!!!

Where are we going? It doesn’t matter. He will be there!!!

It will be an event greater than the sum total of all of our imaginings put together!

At that point, the memory of the dream will merge with the reality of its truth!

Our hearts will melt in His presence!

Our eyes will be filled with the wonder of it all!

Our emotions will be overcome with the dashing rescue!

A secret mountain chateau, a white beach and clear blue waters; a cottage along a European landscape will not compare to the plans our Prince Charming has prepared for us!

And the banquet table, feasting on indescribable food . . . all while basking in the deeply eternal satisfying nature of His presence!

It’s time to connect with our dream — that is one dream that is sure to come true!!!!!! I am awaiting the wild ride!



“Then you will know which way to go, since you have never been this way before (Joshua 3:4)

In this context, Joshua gives the Israelites the guidelines for crossing the Jordan River. He says . . .

  • The priests carrying the Ark would move out into the midst of the flood waters of the Jordan River.
  • When the people saw this, they should move out into the waters as well.
  • They were to keep their eyes upon the Ark.
  • They were to keep a thousand yards away from the Ark as they crossed.

Then he says something simple but profound:
Then you will know which way to go, since you have never been this way before.

  • This group of Israelites had never had Joshua as their leader.
  • They had never crossed a body of water. (The group who crossed the Red Sea all died in the wilderness, except Caleb and Joshua.)
  • This group had never seen priests step out into a body of water.
  • They had never seen floodwaters defy nature, roll away, and then stand upright,
  • Or walk across a riverbed on dry land.

This was a new experience for them. They had never been that way before, and historically, they would never be at that place again.

Think about where you are now. You will NEVER be in this situation again. Savor the moment. That’s what I believe the Israelites did; they captured the moment. They . . .

  • Let the wind sweeping back the waters of the Jordan caress their faces.
  • Felt the firmness of the dry ground under their feet.
  • Watched the fearless priests step out into the Jordan at flood season, not sure of what would happen;
  • Saw the men lift large boulders from the dry river bed and take them to the plush banks of the Jordan.
  • Captured Joshua as he stacked twelve additional boulders in the midst of the river where the priests stood.
  • Experienced the adrenaline rush as they hurried to the other side, their eyes always upon the Ark.
  • They remembered the priests leaving the Jordan, approaching their side of the river banks.
  • They beheld the waters that had stood up vertically now rushing to its horizontal position in the river bed;
  • And they were drenched in the spray of the returning waters.

They had never been that way before, nor would they ever again.

If you were laid off today, tomorrow’s experience will be totally different from today’s — even though you may still be without a job. Be like the Israelites and . . .

  • Remember what it is like to trust him when you can’t trust yourself.
  • Experience God, who never forsakes the righteous, bring you through.

If you have lost a loved one, each day without that person will be totally different.

  • Be comforted in the arms of The Father of Compassion who is touched with our infirmities.
  • Feel him bear the load with you, making each day lighter.

PRAYER: Abba, help us to capture the moment of our trial so that we can relish the moment of our victory! Forgive us for seeing obstacles as JUST obstacles and not as opportunities for you to be glorified and our faith developed. Let us capture every once-in-a-lifetime uncrossable Jordan in our lives and REALLY LIVE in the moment of our passage! YOU always go before us, and then YOU always beckon us to come! THEN, let us come! Amen!

The Spirit That Was Upon Moses (Upon You)

LIKE ANYONE WHO FOCUSES on his/her own weakness, I am sure that at times you have felt that you just could not make it!

Or maybe that you were too inadequate to even conquer the things set before you, even the little things.

Moses was at that same place. He had led the children of Israel out of Egypt by the hand of God, but felt he was not able to lead them further. Here are his numerous complaints in Numbers 11:11-15 NIV:

  • “Why have you brought this trouble on your servant?”
  • “What have I done to displease you that you put the burden of all these people on me?”
  • “Did I conceive all these people?”
  • “Did I give them birth?”
  • “Why do you tell me to carry them in my arms, as a nurse carries an infant, to the land you promised on oath to their ancestors?”
  • “Where can I get meat for all these people? They keep wailing to me, ‘Give us meat to eat!’”
  • “I cannot carry all these people by myself; the burden is too heavy for me.”
  • “If this is how you are going to treat me, please go ahead and kill me—if I have found favor in your eyes—and do not let me face my own ruin.”

The Lord, however, sees the potential in Moses because HE PUT THAT POTENTIAL IN HIM! He tells him to call the 70 elders and bring them forth. He declares,

“I will take of the spirit which is upon thee, and will put it upon them; and they shall bear the burden of the people with thee, that thou bear it not thyself alone” (Numbers 11:17).

Notice that He took the spirit that was upon Moses. He specifically tells Moses that what He was taking and sharing was what was already inside/upon him!  What the Lord had put upon Moses was enough to share among 70 others. Incredible!!!!

Let’s stop doubting what is in us!

  • What God has put upon un/in us is enough to fuel a team!
  • It is enough to empower a family!
  • It is enough, I believe, to set a generation ablaze with a zeal for the return of the King!

PRAYER: Abba, thank you for seeing the potential in us long before we do. Thank you for your patience for the day you open our eyes and we see that amazing power that is within us — that same power that raised Yeshua from the dead! Yeshua generously shared with us the power of HIS Spirit. Let us, as liberally, share that power with others — IGNITING OTHERS TO SERVICE. Amen!

Raising Up An Esther Generation Women’s Conference

Raising Up an Esther Generation Women's Conference Kingdom World Outreach Center Virginia Beach Juanita Weiss Danette Crawford Shelia Mitchell

August 29-31, 2013 (Thu-Sat)
Kingdom World Outreach Center (map)
4221 Pleasant Valley Road, Suite 132, Virginia Beach 23464
Min. Juanita Weiss, Keynote Speaker, 8/29 & Workshop Leader, 8/31
Elder David Weiss, Aaronic Benediction, 8/31

Click here for more information on KWOC website

On The Lips of Angels

April 2014
4/5 – 7PM
4/6 – 3PM & 7PM
(This event has been postponed until later in the year. Please check back for updates!)