He Walked into My Leper Colony

He Walked into My Leper Colony

We call it Leprosy! The Hebrews call it tzara’at! The Jewish sages believed that tzara’at was more than a skin disease.They believed that it was a physical manifestation of a spiritual sickness. After all, the infected person (KJV calls a “leper”; the Hebrew calls a “metzora”) was not sent to a doctor, per se, but to the priest to be examined.

The Jewish sages believed that the causes of tzara’at stemmed from sin: more specifically “sexual immorality, gossip, murder, perjury, forbidden sexual relationships, arrogance, theft, and envy” (Avakhin 16a).  

In Matthew 15:18-20, Yeshua even corroborates this belief when he says, “But the words you speak come from the heart—that’s what defiles you. For from the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, all sexual immorality, theft, lying, and slander. These are what defile you (nlt).” These are the same defiling sins that the rabbis believed were the cause of tzara’at!

After examining the skin of the metzora, the priest by one word would determine the metzora’s immediate future: “Clean” or Unclean.”

If unclean, he had to face quarantine for at least seven days. Forced to wear rags with his whole body covered except his mouth, he had to cry “Unclean! Unclean!” in the presence of others. Whether deemed clean or unclean, the metzora ultimately had to undergo a purification ritual.

Matthew 8, Mark 1, and Luke 5 tell the story of Yeshua being approached by a metzora. Yeshua did for him what no one else had done or would do: He looked at him, He examined him, He touched him, and told him, “Be Clean.”

That’s what he did for me. He walked into my leper colony. He examined me and saw me riddled with everything that defiles. He touched me and showed me that he was more than able to cleanse me, but he was also willing. My tzara’at? Cleansed! Metzora? No more! He gave me back that which I had lost–His image in me.

Have you allowed Him to do that for you? If so, “Be Clean.” If not, He’s walking into your colony today . . . looking for you.

PRAYER: Abba, thank you for walking into my leper colony and removing the curse and penalty of my sins.You came, you found me, and now I am clean…forever. No longer am I clothed in the filthy rags of my self-righteousness . . . BUT clothed in the garments of salvation and a robe of righteousness! Hallelujah! Amen!

National Day of Prayer

Join us on May 6th, 2021 as area civic and religious leaders, men women, boys and girls, converge VIA ZOOM & FACEBOOK LIVE CONCURRENTLY to pray for the state of our nation. The very genesis of revival begins when the Body of Messiah has a hunger for personal righteousness (individual revival); a hunger for righteousness in others (evangelistic revival); and a hunger for righteousness in society (social revival). We will be praying for the 7 PILLARS of American Society: EDUCATION, GOVERNMENT, BUSINESS, ENTERTAINMENT, FAMILY, MILITARY, and the CHURCH. Come READY — not to spectate BUT — to join your faith and intercession with other believers who fervently pray, “LORD, pour out Your LOVE, LIFE, and LIBERTY” upon AMERICA!

The Lamp Post

I love this light. You probably have one in your neighborhood too! When I’m walking or driving down a certain street, I can see it from afar. All the other lights have yielded to the morning, but not this one. I once thought that the leaves of the tree in which it had been embedded had shielded it from getting enough natural light to go off, but even when the autumn had robbed the tree of its leaves, the pole still stood like a sentry dutifully holding its lamp in the light of day, so that when evening came, its light met the darkness in a fearless encounter.

You might have one in your neighborhood. Some may think that it was programmed to be that way; or that it could be defective, operating against the norm.

In my neighborhood, I want that light to be me: shining in the morning; shining in the day; shining at night! Like that lamp post, surrounding me in the stuff of this life won’t dim my light; neither will the transparency of my walk. And when darkness comes and all the negativities of this life confront me, my light STILL shines … fearlessly! To the world I might seem defective, but through the Holy Spirit and Yeshua’s atoning work, I have been programmed that way — destined to shine! Destined to be like a city on a hill, a light on a table! A 24/7 lighted street lamp!

If your drive or your walk takes you in my direction, may you see His Light in me … from a distance … and up close, and may you be attracted by it. May you engage in wonder at the consistency of it amid the changing seasons … and then to contemplate its Source!

Yes, every neighborhood has one! May you, too, be that light in yours!

Shedding Our Leaves

What happens when you shed your leaves? When all the dead stuff of yesterday and yesteryears come sloughing off, like leaves blown by the wind, winds that are mild, brisk, sometimes gusty, and, at times, violent. Sometimes what we find after the sloughing is what I found when I beheld trees in their nakedness. Knotted, gnarled branches refusing to unfurl, forever preserved in their stubbornness. Diseased branches covered by mold or lichen, now made brittle, fall to the ground because of the sheer weight of the parasite. Sometimes nestled deep within the tree is a nest, usually hidden from the public eye, couched within protective branches … and the nests remain, containing all the things that comprise them: twigs, hair, moss, grass, hay, dirt.

Father, in the appropriate season, let us shed that which we do not need! Let not one dead or dying leaf hold on to us longer than it should. Let all parasites and affected branches fall! Let every nest we’ve created be exposed and disassembled and each piece, in your Grace, carried away by the wind of your Ruach… every ingredient used to create nests of pain, duplicity, deception, and unrepentance — let them be blown away. Let us release everyone we held in our nests, coddling pain and nursing resentment, harboring grudges.

Yes, naked and unashamed, like Adam and Eve were on the day You created them, and like some trees are that yield to the season… let us be as well—totally transparent!!

Yes, ABBA, let the winds blow: mild, strong, gusty, violent, whatever it takes until all dead leaves are shed, and we stand before You as Your oaks of righteousness, naked and unashamed …formed for the display of YOUR splendor.

Would You Think Me Irreverent?

“Would You think me irreverent if this time I do not let you go?”

The disciples tried to make you get into the boat after you walked to them upon the waters and calmed the sea, but You sent them and their boat away . . . without You!

John lay on Your breast at dinner, enjoying the presence of the One with Whom he spent a most memorable Sabbath the night he first followed You, but now You were hanging on a tree, and in the final heaves of that once comforting chest, you said, “Son, behold your mother!” And death took You! And You were gone!

Miriam clung to you when she realized you were her resurrected Raboni, her Teacher, her Master, the One who delivered her from demons. “Don’t cling to me!” You said. “I’ve not ascended unto my Father.”

Your Disciples walked with you out to Bethany on the 40th day of the Omer. Just a friendly walk with the Lover of their souls, and then a cloud took You . . . just like that! You were gone!!

When I finally see You face-to-face;
When I bow in the presence of  Your Majesty;
When I fall prostrate before my King;
When I finally get through the throngs that will be vying for a chance to touch You;
When it’s my turn…

Please don’t think me irreverent, this time, if I don’t let You go!

Ten Days of Awe: A Reflection

It is not happenstance that the “Ten Days of Awe” are now (Today, Sept. 14 is Day 5). In G-D’s time clock, everything is perfect. We just came out of Yom Teruah (Rosh Hashanah), a time of hearing the trumpet blast, a time of hearing the shofar blown, a time that reminds us that the Lord of this Universe, the King of Kings is soon to return. And now we are in the “Ten Days of Awe,”  a time when we are praying and seeking the face of G-D and repenting of our sins, for our nation, for Israel, for the Body of Messiah, making amends with those we have harmed.

During these “Ten Days,” we have been in early morning prayer. Several intercessors were on the line praying and interceding, leading up to the Holiest Day of the Year — Yom Kippur (September 18-19). It just reminds me that this is the season where the things that are happening in the earth —Hurricane Florence barreling toward the East Coast,  a couple more hurricanes brewing on the Atlantic, and wildfires in various places — are times when God calls us to reflection.

Where will we be and what will we be doing when we hear that LAST shofar? There will be no other shofar blast after that one, and the Lord has set aside a day where we would, could, hear the blasting, the sounding — in preparation for the final one! I know that we may get excited about hearing that final blast, about being with the One our souls long for (I’m excited), but remember there were 10 virgins: five of them were wise and five of them were foolish! They ALL heard the alarm: “The bridegroom is here! Come out to meet him!” That is the sound of the shofar that announces the coming of the Bridegroom! They all heard it, but not all of them were prepared. I believe that the “Ten Days of Awe” only build our excitement for that LAST shofar, but it also should trigger within us a desire that we would help the five foolish virgins to acquire the extra oil that they need NOW, because that’s the one time the five wise are not encouraged to share. (I will need my own oil!) Let’s help all of G-D’s people to be awakened and prepared for that sound and ready to meet the Bridegroom and to go in to the wedding Feast!  I’m excited!

I want to hear the sound! I am storing up treasures in heaven, and having oil in reserve, but I am concerned about my brother!  Does that mean I want to prolong the day of my Bridegroom’s coming? No, I do not! I want to hasten it because in hastening the day of His coming, He empowers us; He gives us the grace to be able to pray and intercede and to witness and to evangelize and to reach out, and to give to those who are not ready to hear that sound.

So these natural things that are going on in the earth are all connected to the spiritual; they’re all times of awakening. They’re all times of calling the Body of Messiah to wakefulness! That we will not be sleeping! That the Doppler Radar that summons us to attention about the impending hurricane is like the voice of the shofar that warns us about the impending return of Messiah Yeshua! So instead of just grabbing and storing up bread, water, gas, potato chips, nuts, snacks, etc… let’s grab hold to and dispense the commodities of the Kingdom: love, kindness, gentleness, selflessness, humility, mercy, etc…!

The earth is yawning! It is in birthpangs! This is not the way it was created to be! It wants to return to its original state as it was in the Garden, and if the world is yawning, WE ARE ALSO, and deep down our bodies are saying, “I want that place of transparency and vulnerability that Adam and Eve had when they were in the Garden with the One who created them. I want what I am supposed to be! And I want it in its fullness!”
Even so, come Messiah Yeshua! Let the Shofar Blow!

GREAT Is Their Reward!

Remember when the badly ridiculed Hunchback would run into the church of Notre Dame and cry, “Sanctuary” and no one could enter to harm him?

Remember when the church steeple rising above other buildings meant that there was some degree of light, morality, and safety in a city?

Today, believers who go church to find a moment of respite from the daily grind of the world and worship a God of love cannot even hope in those two hours to find peace! Such was the case at First Baptist Church Sutherland Springs on Sunday morning, November 5, 2017 as 26 churchgoers were slaughtered and 8 are still fighting for their lives.

But this, Children of God, is no time to cower or run from our churches and congregations and from the God-given mandate to assemble ourselves together! As surely as the Islamic Jihadists war against democratic societies, the enemy is waging war against the church. One of his greatest tactics is fear. May those of First Baptist Sutherland Springs who got up, dressed themselves, and went up to the house of God, unbeknownst of their fate, receive the blessings of the martyrs: “Blessed are you when men shall revile you and persecute you … for GREAT is your reward” (Matthew 5:11-12).

And May their sacrifice be the fuel by which we, even more aggressively, advance the Kingdom of God! May Texas, like South Carolina, respond in love and forgiveness. And let us, as fellow believers, not waste one drop of their spilled blood!!

Remember Where I Placed You!

(This is a reminder from your Creator)

There are many stars in the sky! They sprinkle the inky darkness with their light,  BUT they are fixed! They stay put!

I didn’t put you on a star!

Asteroids are likely leftovers of early planet formations; they go meandering through space without direction or purpose, eventually breaking up and dissolving in some Galaxy. I didn’t put you on an asteroid!

There are comets shooting through space, giving off beautiful streams of light … for a moment! Here today and gone tomorrow! I did not place you on a comet!

But there is a planet, slanted on its axis — pointed in the direction of its Creator! Earth! On its axis, it rotates, still looking in the direction of the One Who is Greater!  It revolves around the sun, its center! This planet experiences light and darkness, heat and cold. It has a diverse land mass of hills, valleys, caves, mountains, beaches, islands and plains! Three quarters of it is covered by water! I placed it strategically close enough to the sun, the center of its Galaxy, to produce life! It is filled with enough oxygen where cells can grow and be replenished. Flowers, fruit and plants grow out of it! Animals run, creep, scamper and crawl across its terrain, drawing sustenance! Earth has seasons and cycles that bring about endings and beginnings!


Now, BE like the place where I put you, the place I made for YOU, the place out of which I created you!

Remember, you have the potential to now produce MORE than “it” can produce because of My Ruach (Spirit) that I put inside of you!

Even more, YOU can have the perspective that always looks forward to the time when it, like you, will be TRANSFORMED into its resurrected, glorified newness!

Learn a lesson from the Earth.

Embrace Your Season


by Juanita Weiss
I read a blog in which a Jewish believer said that Gentiles should rejoice that the Jewish leaders rejected Yeshua, for that is how Gentiles were grafted in (as if that would be the only way OR if it were the original way). Here is his quote:

Although I understand his point, I must say that it actually does not fill me with joy that I was allowed to partake of the promises of Abraham and of life in Yeshua BECAUSE the religious leaders failed to laud their King as King,  to worship their G-d as YHVH, OR failed to pay homage to their LORD as ADONAI!

Am I grateful that I was grafted in? I most certainly am!

Am I delighted to be of Abraham’s seed — a part of the cultivated olive tree? You bet I am!

YHVH had a plan — it was that the Jewish people would be a light to the nations and thereby they would point the Gentiles in the direction of the One, True G-d! Our current scenario has come out of their disobedience, not their obedience.

I do rejoice that I am a joint-heir with Messiah, but I do not rejoice in Israel’s disobedience! I am not rejoicing in their disobedience, even though their disobedience was good for me. YHVH in His omniscience knew that Israel would sin, so like a computer with its “backspace,” “delete,” “copy,” “paste,” and “undo” features, YHVH made it so that none of His original plans would be foiled. He made “another” way to reach the Gentiles out of the “same” way — His people!

I wish the religious leaders of Yeshua’s day HAD worshipped Him . . . because that’s the kind of worship Yeshua is deserving of! — the worship of wizened sages who poured themselves into a study of Torah, who understood signs (“otot”) and seasons (“moedim”), who understood numerology (“gematria”) and prophecy (“navua”), who understood the restoration of the world (“tikkun olam”) and the world to come (“olam haba”)! Yeshua was deserving of their worship!

You probably would not have been born if they had been obedient, some might say.

My responses: Do you know of any soul who has not been conceived that longs for birth?Whether or not I am here has nothing to do with those who are born giving Him the praise He deserves.

So YHVH says to them, “Since the Gentiles could not come in through your obedience, then I will bring them in through your disobedience” (Romans 11 paraphrased).

That is no cause to thank you, my Jewish friend, for your disobedience; it’s cause to thank Him for His grace (“chesed”)! For that, Father, I am grateful! Not even those that you have chosen could foil your plan for me.

I rejoice in the day ALL Israel shall be saved! You, Father, are deserving of the praise of the Apple of Your eye, your Treasured Possession. Not even the disobedience of the Gentiles will spoil your plan for them and for you to be worshipped!

What will excite me?

I will be thoroughly excited over the day that Israel eulogizes her Brother-King — Yeshua Messiah and say, “Baruch haBa B’Shem Adonai — Blessed is He Who Comes in the Name of the Lord!”

In THAT, I rejoice!!!