Day #28 of Walking with the Father

I believe that God interacts with His people on a daily basis. He desires to do that. Sure, we should see Him when we open our eyes, or dress ourselves, when we arrive at our destinations safely, and greet our family & friends. Yes, these are miracles we take for granted and we SHOULD give thanks to God for them. However, if at the end of the day, we cannot pinpoint a certain moment where there was a Yeshua-experience just for us, we have missed Him. I am going to start a series in which I detail those Yeshua Moments in my life and I hope you do the same. Let’s practice His presence. Let’s consciously choose to see Him in everything, everywhere! Here’s the point–”The more we focus on what He IS doing, the more of that He will do in our lives. If we focus on what He is NOT doing, He will NOT do anything–and it is not that He is Not doing anything, but that is all that you will see.” So let’s practice the presence of our God for the next 30 days and record them so that our spirits can be alive in Him. Let’s help to build one another’s faith and awaken our spiritual pores to the living Presence of our Abba. Come on! Let’s walk with the Father!

Day #28 — “The Wheat and Tares”

Below is an excerpt of the devotional I read this morning from the book Whispers of the Shepherd by Y.M. Tikkun. It really struck me! The portion is entitled “Wheat and Tares,” and this is our Father talking to his people — the wheat:

Wait upon my call to signal the harvest. I will order my workers to gather the tares into bundles. Soon it will come.

My Comment: How many of us, would like to uproot every bad influence from our lives? How many of us have even tried to pull out the evil! History is rife with examples of the wheat trying to do God’s work as opposed to the work He has assigned for us. The end result is always bad!

Meanwhile, do not defend the wheat in one field by uprooting the wheat with the tares in another field in an attempt to keep the tares from spreading.

My Comment: We may not have been a party to the uprooting, but we have defended those who have. It seemed right! It seemed good! There is a way that seems right to man, but we know the end of that way — destruction.

Instead, defend the wheat with prayer. Prayer is like poison to the tares. In its presence, the tares wither and the wheat thrives.

My Comment: One of our greatest weapons but not so greatly used — Prayer! Pray for the wheat and the wheat will thrive. Even in a perverse society, even during great persecution  . . . if we PRAY for the wheat, we will survive!

PRAYER: I pray for your wheat today, Father, who live in this world but are not of the world! Until Yeshua returns, there will always be bad influences in this world — you have shown us that truth through the parable of the wheat and the tares. Help your wheat not to compromise its values nor seek to pull up the tares when that is not our job! Help us to be examples of Godliness and wait for your call to tend the harvest. Protect your wheat as we live side-by-side with the tares. Thank you, Abba! Amen!

Day # 27 of Walking with the Father

I believe that God interacts with His people on a daily basis. He desires to do that. Sure, we should see Him when we open our eyes, or dress ourselves, when we arrive at our destinations safely, and greet our family & friends. Yes, these are miracles we take for granted and we SHOULD give thanks to God for them. However, if at the end of the day, we cannot pinpoint a certain moment where there was a Yeshua-experience just for us, we have missed Him. I am going to start a series in which I detail those Yeshua Moments in my life and I hope you do the same. Let’s practice His presence. Let’s consciously choose to see Him in everything, everywhere! Here’s the point–”The more we focus on what He IS doing, the more of that He will do in our lives. If we focus on what He is NOT doing, He will NOT do anything–and it is not that He is Not doing anything, but that is all that you will see.” So let’s practice the presence of our God for the next 30 days and record them so that our spirits can be alive in Him. Let’s help to build one another’s faith and awaken our spiritual pores to the living Presence of our Abba. Come on! Let’s walk with the Father!

Day #27 — “Gazing into the Water”

My family and I and some good friends went to see the Broadway musical THE LION KING. Yes, it was spectacular and very moving — the music, the dance, the set, the costumes, and puppetry! All quite fantastic!

You know that very familiar scene where the young lion Simba refuses to return home because of what his involvement in his father’s death? He had lost all sight of his royal destiny because of the shame and guilt he was feeling. He even admitted that he was nothing like his brave father Mufasa. He is told by Rafiki, the seer, to look into the water where he would see his father. He looked into the water and all he saw was himself. Then in his mind, his father spoke to him.

When we get weary or tired or afraid or lose sight of our royal destiny, wouldn’t it be great to look in the mirror and see our Father — not the sniveling little creatures we have a tendency to become. But to look in the mirror and see strength, an overcoming spirit, beauty, and power!

Yes, Father, give us your eyes! After all, we are supposed to look like you! We are to be “a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Messiah” (Eph. 4:13). Let’s gaze into the water of the Word, and as we see Him — Yeshua — let us see ourselves in Him – Overcoming! Beautiful, Powerful, and Royal! Amen!

Day #26 of Walking with the Father


I believe that God interacts with His people on a daily basis. He desires to do that. Sure, we should see Him when we open our eyes, or dress ourselves, when we arrive at our destinations safely, and greet our family & friends. Yes, these are miracles we take for granted and we SHOULD give thanks to God for them. However, if at the end of the day, we cannot pinpoint a certain moment where there was a Yeshua-experience just for us, we have missed Him. I am going to start a series in which I detail those Yeshua Moments in my life and I hope you do the same. Let’s practice His presence. Let’s consciously choose to see Him in everything, everywhere! Here’s the point–”The more we focus on what He IS doing, the more of that He will do in our lives. If we focus on what He is NOT doing, He will NOT do anything–and it is not that He is Not doing anything, but that is all that you will see.” So let’s practice the presence of our God for the next 30 days and record them so that our spirits can be alive in Him. Let’s help to build one another’s faith and awaken our spiritual pores to the living Presence of our Abba. Come on! Let’s walk with the Father!

Day #26 — “Recounting the Day”

I shared with a Bible Study Group that there are some people who will evangelize just to build up their resumes! After all, there are some schools and religious organizations that will require applicants to chronicle how many souls they have won to the Lord or at least how many people they have shared the Gospel with.

For the most part, some in the Bible Study were shocked to think that some regard witnessing as a system of works. I shared with them that works are very important because of the teachings in the book of James. Also, our rewards in heaven will be accrued — not because of how nice we have been — but whether or not we shared the Gospel.

Here’s the bottom line — at the end of the day, in our recollection, we should be able to recount the number of people we have blessed, whether we told them, “God Bless You” or whether it was to share the Gospel message. What about in our prayers at the end of the day if we were to say, “Father, bless that person whom I let take my parking spot today” or “the one who looked really sad.” What if we really walked circumspectly like that and redeemed the times? What if at the end of the day I could do that — not to count the souls touched or saved just for the sake of counting or out of pride or vainglory — but to ask God to bless those whose lives we impacted during the course of the day.

Father, let blessing people be a part of who we are and not what we do. Really, Father. let it not be second nature but OUR nature! Amen.

Day #25 of Walking with the Father

I believe that God interacts with His people on a daily basis. He desires to do that. Sure, we should see Him when we open our eyes, or dress ourselves, when we arrive at our destinations safely, and greet our family & friends. Yes, these are miracles we take for granted and we SHOULD give thanks to God for them. However, if at the end of the day, we cannot pinpoint a certain moment where there was a Yeshua-experience just for us, we have missed Him. I am going to start a series in which I detail those Yeshua Moments in my life and I hope you do the same. Let’s practice His presence. Let’s consciously choose to see Him in everything, everywhere! Here’s the point–”The more we focus on what He IS doing, the more of that He will do in our lives. If we focus on what He is NOT doing, He will NOT do anything–and it is not that He is Not doing anything, but that is all that you will see.” So let’s practice the presence of our God for the next 30 days and record them so that our spirits can be alive in Him. Let’s help to build one another’s faith and awaken our spiritual pores to the living Presence of our Abba. Come on! Let’s walk with the Father!

Day # 25 — “Don’t Count Me Out”
I had a chance to work out with my niece today! As we did, she was being ministered to by the songs of Marvin Sapp. There was one, in particular, that she wanted me to hear, “Don’t Count Me Out.” It spoke a rhema word, especially on the Julian Calendar day of New Year’s Eve! If you get a chance to listen to his fervent, soulful rendition, please do. Until then, here are the words and I encourage you to prophesy them over your life, declare them as truth because they are truth!

Left Alone
But never forgotten
But my future is just starting
God is molding me and shaping me
He’s building me and making me
A king is being formed right in front of your eyes

So don’t count me out
When you don’t see what he sees
You can’t tell but his glory is resting on me
I’m his choice
After his heart, the unveiling is starting now
so don’t count me out

I’m no longer the same no more

There has been a change in me
For there are enemies that I must defeat
It’s my time, its my time
Don’t count me out

There’s a king in me
Goliaths to defeat
Visions to decree
It’s my destiny 4x

Father, thank you for the year that is to come and the year that has passed! Thank you for reminding me of how special I am to You and how bright my future is with you! Thank you for not tiring of making me so that I be transformed into the image of Your Son. A King/Queen is being formed in me every day! I have Goliaths to defeat, not just in my life, but in the lives of my family members, my community, my congregation . . . Thank you that you never counted me out! Amen!

Day #24 of Walking with the Father

I believe that God interacts with His people on a daily basis. He desires to do that. Sure, we should see Him when we open our eyes, or dress ourselves, when we arrive at our destinations safely, and greet our family & friends. Yes, these are miracles we take for granted and we SHOULD give thanks to God for them. However, if at the end of the day, we cannot pinpoint a certain moment where there was a Yeshua-experience just for us, we have missed Him. I am going to start a series in which I detail those Yeshua Moments in my life and I hope you do the same. Let’s practice His presence. Let’s consciously choose to see Him in everything, everywhere! Here’s the point–”The more we focus on what He IS doing, the more of that He will do in our lives. If we focus on what He is NOT doing, He will NOT do anything–and it is not that He is Not doing anything, but that is all that you will see.” So let’s practice the presence of our God for the next 30 days and record them so that our spirits can be alive in Him. Let’s help to build one another’s faith and awaken our spiritual pores to the living Presence of our Abba. Come on! Let’s walk with the Father!

Day #24 — “The Promise of Spring”
It’s been great to finally get out from our snowed-in cabins, feel the fever abate, (you know, cabin fever) and drive on slushy, icy streets — just to feel the sunshine and to see all the snow that was dumped on neighborhoods. Upon my return home, I noticed the bushes in front of my house, heavy ladened with snow. I knew the promise of the spring, azaleas — pink, white, and purple — in full bloom. Bushes deep green and full with life. I am no horticulturalist, but seeing those bushes ladened with snow just did not seem healthy. Take a look below!

So I got out of the car and attempted to extricate them from their snow caps. To my surprise, as I tried to lift big chunks, the snow was still powdery, so it crumbled in my hands. Then I used the snow shovel to free them. It wasn’t before long that I was winded but managed to rescue a few of them while the others sadly wore their caps of snow. When I went inside and looked out the back window, I saw my gardenia bush, bent to the ground in its coat of snow and extricating it meant walking through 14 inches, digging it out then digging out myself.
Galatians 6 says something quite relevant to my snow-covered bushes: “Bear one another’s burdens” (2) That’s what I tried to do with the bushes. That’s what we should do with one another. But then there are some burdens that we must bear alone: “For every man shall bear his own burden” (5). Those bushes that could not be extricated now must bear the weight of their own burden until the sun comes out and the temperature rises. And there is still always a promise of spring.

Father, there are times when you will send someone to come along side us to help. Thank you for those times and for those servants. Let those who help not crumble under the weight of helping, but let them be revived in seeing an improvement in the lives of the ones they help. And, Father, in those times when we are to bear our own burden, give us the strength to do it, even when we are bowed under the weight of it — let us remember the promise of sunshine, better temperatures . . . and ultimately the promise of spring. Amen!

Day #23 of Walking with the Father

I believe that God interacts with His people on a daily basis. He desires to do that. Sure, we should see Him when we open our eyes, or dress ourselves, when we arrive at our destinations safely, and greet our family & friends. Yes, these are miracles we take for granted and we SHOULD give thanks to God for them. However, if at the end of the day, we cannot pinpoint a certain moment where there was a Yeshua-experience just for us, we have missed Him. I am going to start a series in which I detail those Yeshua Moments in my life and I hope you do the same. Let’s practice His presence. Let’s consciously choose to see Him in everything, everywhere! Here’s the point–”The more we focus on what He IS doing, the more of that He will do in our lives. If we focus on what He is NOT doing, He will NOT do anything–and it is not that He is Not doing anything, but that is all that you will see.” So let’s practice the presence of our God for the next 30 days and record them so that our spirits can be alive in Him. Let’s help to build one another’s faith and awaken our spiritual pores to the living Presence of our Abba. Come on! Let’s walk with the Father!

Day 23 —  “How Did They Know?”
During our Winter Storm reclusiveness, I watched a movie that my husband brought home from the library. He knew I would enjoy it — TRUE WOMEN. It was an epic saga of strong, southern pioneer women who withstood all the ravages of the South — the Civil War, dying sons and husbands, stillborn children, cholera, women’s suffrage, Indian Wars, bigotry, slavery, etc… During one scene, Negro slaves are working in the fields, and as they worked, they sang in melodious chords of rich harmonies — “Can’t wait to get to heaven. There is so slavery in heaven.” They sang this as they picked the cotton, laboring in the hot sun.

My question was “how did they know?” Slavery was all that most of them knew of life, being 2nd and third generations of African slaves. How did they know there was a better life somewhere? How did they know that God would want them in heaven, not as slaves, but as His sons and daughters?

They knew something that their slavemasters did not. Even as one southerner said, “Negroes are not fit to be free. They only know how to be slaves.” That’s what the enemy tells us every day! But let’s declare our freedom in Yeshua. We serve a God who said, “I no longer call you servants, but friends!” HALLELUJAH! And there is something in each of us that calls us to that higher standard of living and existing! Let’s believe what God says — despite what we see! Let’s believe it, pursue it, and live it!

Father, thank you for putting something in us that speaks louder than the voices that yell at us every day! Thank you that our spirits bear witness with your Spirit! Help us to follow Your voice and trust You! Amen.

Day #22 of Walking with the Father

I believe that God interacts with His people on a daily basis. He desires to do that. Sure, we should see Him when we open our eyes, or dress ourselves, when we arrive at our destinations safely, and greet our family & friends. Yes, these are miracles we take for granted and we SHOULD give thanks to God for them. However, if at the end of the day, we cannot pinpoint a certain moment where there was a Yeshua-experience just for us, we have missed Him. I am going to start a series in which I detail those Yeshua Moments in my life and I hope you do the same. Let’s practice His presence. Let’s consciously choose to see Him in everything, everywhere! Here’s the point–”The more we focus on what He IS doing, the more of that He will do in our lives. If we focus on what He is NOT doing, He will NOT do anything–and it is not that He is Not doing anything, but that is all that you will see.” So let’s practice the presence of our God for the next 30 days and record them so that our spirits can be alive in Him. Let’s help to build one another’s faith and awaken our spiritual pores to the living Presence of our Abba. Come on! Let’s walk with the Father!

Day #22 — “Making the Gospel Your Own”
My devotional today was I Thessalonians chapter 1. In it Paul gives thanksgiving for the believers in Thessalonica. There is something that he said that really spoke to me. He says in verse 5 “for our gospel did not come to you in word only, but also in power and in the Holy Spirit and with full conviction” (emphasis mine). We share with others the good news and we tell them that Yeshua loves them, but do we share the gospel message with POWER! What’s so wonderful is that power is not necessarily demonstrative, but those who hear us will feel the power if it is there. Paul said that they shared the gospel in the Holy Spirit (Ruach Hakodesh). Someone once said that when a man or woman of God, full of the Spirit of God, bears the word of God by the Spirit of God, people will listen with attentive ears!  And finally he says with full conviction. Do we really believe what we say? Do we really live the gospel? Can we claim it as our own like Paul and his companions; he said “our gospel.”  Is there FULL conviction when we share it? Does the unbeliever sense somehow that this is not a conviction that is worth dying for?

Knowing the word is not enough when sharing it! We have to share it in POWER in THE HOLY SPIRIT and with FULL CONVICTION!

Father, thank you for your word! Thank you that it is TRUTH. It is LIFE. But I pray, Father, that as we share it, that we will love it so much that it becomes OURS. Amen!

Day #21 of Walking with the Father

I believe that God interacts with His people on a daily basis. He desires to do that. Sure, we should see Him when we open our eyes, or dress ourselves, when we arrive at our destinations safely, and greet our family & friends. Yes, these are miracles we take for granted and we SHOULD give thanks to God for them. However, if at the end of the day, we cannot pinpoint a certain moment where there was a Yeshua-experience just for us, we have missed Him. I am going to start a series in which I detail those Yeshua Moments in my life and I hope you do the same. Let’s practice His presence. Let’s consciously choose to see Him in everything, everywhere! Here’s the point–”The more we focus on what He IS doing, the more of that He will do in our lives. If we focus on what He is NOT doing, He will NOT do anything–and it is not that He is Not doing anything, but that is all that you will see.” So let’s practice the presence of our God for the next 30 days and record them so that our spirits can be alive in Him. Let’s help to build one another’s faith and awaken our spiritual pores to the living Presence of our Abba. Come on! Let’s walk with the Father!

Day #21 — “The Decorator of Trees”

There is so much talk about Christmas trees:

What do they have to do with the birth of Yeshua?

Aren’t they pagan?

Didn’t the pagans cut them down, decorate them, bring them into their homes and worship them?

I would never put up one?

I will not put up one again.

During the snowstorm of 2010, the Father confirmed this truth in me — No one can dress or decorate a tree the way He can! You never have to put up one, decorate one, dress one, or take one down. He will do it for you! And His work is amazing!!!!!! Behold for yourself what the Master Decorator can do!

Decorator of the Universe, you are awesome . . . simply amazingly marvelously awesome! When I consider the heavens . . . and the trees . . . the work of your fingers, all I can do is a David did in Psalm 8, cry “Who am I that you are mindful of me? And who is the children of men that you visit them?” Do what you do best, Creator, Creative God — Decorate! Decorate the trees and decorate us with your glory! Amen!

Day #20 of Walking with the Father

I believe that God interacts with His people on a daily basis. He desires to do that. Sure, we should see Him when we open our eyes, or dress ourselves, when we arrive at our destinations safely, and greet our family & friends. Yes, these are miracles we take for granted and we SHOULD give thanks to God for them. However, if at the end of the day, we cannot pinpoint a certain moment where there was a Yeshua-experience just for us, we have missed Him. I am going to start a series in which I detail those Yeshua Moments in my life and I hope you do the same. Let’s practice His presence. Let’s consciously choose to see Him in everything, everywhere! Here’s the point–”The more we focus on what He IS doing, the more of that He will do in our lives. If we focus on what He is NOT doing, He will NOT do anything–and it is not that He is Not doing anything, but that is all that you will see.” So let’s practice the presence of our God for the next 30 days and record them so that our spirits can be alive in Him. Let’s help to build one another’s faith and awaken our spiritual pores to the living Presence of our Abba. Come on! Let’s walk with the Father!

Day #20 — “A Missed Opportunity”
I met a dear woman who wanted to purchase two of my books — Journey Beyond Imagination. When I went to her house, I noticed that the driveway was free, that it was about 3:30 P.M., and that my time there would be very short. However, when I went in, she wanted to know all about me, and, in turn, I discovered a lot about her and her family. At that time her daughter came home and was very upset that I had parked in the driveway and chided me in that respect. Because the house sits at the top of an incline, she likes to park in the driveway so that her walking will not put too much strain on a back that is already bad. I was too busy explaining why I parked in the driveway that I did not hear anything but her angst. I apologized, thanked the mother, tried to pray with her, settled the transaction, and was on my way.

As I was sharing this incident with a friend, she asked, “Did you ask the daughter if you could pray for her back? If you had not parked in the driveway, you would have never known about her bad back. Maybe God sent you there, not just to sell books, but to bless this lady and to pray for her healing.” Wow!

Was that a Yeshua moment — a divine appointment and interaction — that I missed!? Mind you, these blogs have been dedicated to my capturing those moments. I had purposed to be open to God’s intervention in my life and could have missed it! I am not beating myself up and will not allow the enemy to level me with guilt, but what a great revelation! I tried not to take offense by remaining polite — after all, I was in her house and parked in her driveway — but even a slight offense (there must have been) kept me from hearing the real heart of God for this situation.

This is what I learned about offense from Steve Backlund in his book Victorious Mindsets: “…mistreatment itself does not cause the offense; but we choose to be offended when we place more value on protecting ourselves than for the call we have and the assignment we have been given.” Good stuff!

Father, in those moments where we interact with other people and you intervene in our midst, help us to remember ALWAYS that we are on assignment. I had tried to bless the mother because she was nice to me, but I could not move beyond the offense to even see that I had a greater assignment. Forgive us, Father, for magnifying an offense and making it greater than You! As Backlund says, “forward-moving people are less apt to notice wrong things done to them. Their big vision causes them not to even be aware of many of these offenses, and they know that being easily offended causes a ‘going-down’ from the high place of God.” Father, we do not want to come down! Amen!

Day #19 of Walking Daily with the Father

I believe that God interacts with His people on a daily basis. He desires to do that. Sure, we should see Him when we open our eyes, or dress ourselves, when we arrive at our destinations safely, and greet our family & friends. Yes, these are miracles we take for granted and we SHOULD give thanks to God for them. However, if at the end of the day, we cannot pinpoint a certain moment where there was a Yeshua-experience just for us, we have missed Him. I am going to start a series in which I detail those Yeshua Moments in my life and I hope you do the same. Let’s practice His presence. Let’s consciously choose to see Him in everything, everywhere! Here’s the point–”The more we focus on what He IS doing, the more of that He will do in our lives. If we focus on what He is NOT doing, He will NOT do anything–and it is not that He is Not doing anything, but that is all that you will see.” So let’s practice the presence of our God for the next 30 days and record them so that our spirits can be alive in Him. Let’s help to build one another’s faith and awaken our spiritual pores to the living Presence of our Abba. Come on! Let’s walk with the Father!

DAY #19 — “Angels: A Window to His Greatness”
During this season, radio teachers and pastors teach on the birth of Messiah. Of course no advent message is complete without mentioning the angels. As this particular pastor began to speak about the angels that spoke to Mary (Miriam) and the shepherds, I drifted into my own stream of consciousness. (Here is the stream — don’t get lost; follow me, now.) I thought of the play that I am currently writing entitled From the Lips of Angels. I thought about how I would love to have a scene where Gabriel and Michael talk about Adonai in “angel-ese.” Boy, that would take divine revelation!!!

We see angels through our eyes, so we seldom see God from their eyes. (You’re following, right? Okay.) Why is it that we think that angels admire our position? (I told you this was a stream! C’mon — follow me!) We get so excited when we say that we can sing a song that angels cannot sing — the song of the redeemed! Do we really know what that means — “the song of the redeemed”? It is a song of one who fell from grace, from a personal relationship with the Father and was bought back by Him to regain that relationship! But these angels who minister before Him night and day (as if there were such things as “night” and “day” in heaven) NEVER fell! They NEVER strayed from His grace! They NEVER left Him! They were given that choice, but NEVER chose to leave Him or rebel. What I am saying has nothing to do with praising angels . . . because here was the fodder for my play . . .

Gabriel: Imagine, those humans have tried to worship us.
Michael: That is because they really know little about our Sovereign’s amazingness!
That was just a little taste of what the play is about. But here’s the point — In eternity, we will get an angel’s perspective of the Infinite One but we will do it from the position of redeemed man. Now, there’s a thought — Fallen angels will never be redeemed! Fallen man can now — because of the graciousness of the Son of God — see what angels saw and know the depth of the depravity of one who falls away from Quintessential Love! Amazing!

Abba, I believe your word with all my heart that my eyes have not seen, that my ears have not heard, and it has not even entered my mind the things that you have prepared for me! I cannot even imagine it! Wow! Thank you for the angels, the ones who did not fall, who value You and protect us! One day we will stand around Your throne and worship You . . . with them! The Redeemed and the Stalwart worshipping You together . . . with the same song! Amazing! Amen!

Application: Somehow allow the greatness of the angels to reveal to you the ultimate, infinite, and absolute greatness of our Amazing God! What do you see?