I believe that God interacts with His people on a daily basis. He desires to do that. Sure, we should see Him when we open our eyes, or dress ourselves, when we arrive at our destinations safely, and greet our family & friends. Yes, these are miracles we take for granted and we SHOULD give thanks to God for them. However, if at the end of the day, we cannot pinpoint a certain moment where there was a Yeshua-experience just for us, we have missed Him. I am going to start a series in which I detail those Yeshua Moments in my life and I hope you do the same. Let’s practice His presence. Let’s consciously choose to see Him in everything, everywhere! Here’s the point–”The more we focus on what He IS doing, the more of that He will do in our lives. If we focus on what He is NOT doing, He will NOT do anything–and it is not that He is Not doing anything, but that is all that you will see.” So let’s practice the presence of our God for the next 30 days and record them so that our spirits can be alive in Him. Let’s help to build one another’s faith and awaken our spiritual pores to the living Presence of our Abba. Come on! Let’s walk with the Father!
Day #28 — “The Wheat and Tares”
Below is an excerpt of the devotional I read this morning from the book Whispers of the Shepherd by Y.M. Tikkun. It really struck me! The portion is entitled “Wheat and Tares,” and this is our Father talking to his people — the wheat:
Wait upon my call to signal the harvest. I will order my workers to gather the tares into bundles. Soon it will come.
My Comment: How many of us, would like to uproot every bad influence from our lives? How many of us have even tried to pull out the evil! History is rife with examples of the wheat trying to do God’s work as opposed to the work He has assigned for us. The end result is always bad!
Meanwhile, do not defend the wheat in one field by uprooting the wheat with the tares in another field in an attempt to keep the tares from spreading.
My Comment: We may not have been a party to the uprooting, but we have defended those who have. It seemed right! It seemed good! There is a way that seems right to man, but we know the end of that way — destruction.
Instead, defend the wheat with prayer. Prayer is like poison to the tares. In its presence, the tares wither and the wheat thrives.
My Comment: One of our greatest weapons but not so greatly used — Prayer! Pray for the wheat and the wheat will thrive. Even in a perverse society, even during great persecution . . . if we PRAY for the wheat, we will survive!
PRAYER: I pray for your wheat today, Father, who live in this world but are not of the world! Until Yeshua returns, there will always be bad influences in this world — you have shown us that truth through the parable of the wheat and the tares. Help your wheat not to compromise its values nor seek to pull up the tares when that is not our job! Help us to be examples of Godliness and wait for your call to tend the harvest. Protect your wheat as we live side-by-side with the tares. Thank you, Abba! Amen!
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