This first song I sang on the morning of January 1, 2011 is “God Is Good All the Time.” Looking back on 2011, that was a most appropriate anthem to sing about our God! Another one that I sang is “Who is a God Like You.”
Here are some of the words:
Who is a god like You?
You are God!
Lord God strong and mighty!
You are God!
Lord God mighty in battle.
Creator of the heavens and the earth.
You are God!
You are God!
When I sang it, it brought me to tears! I prayed this prayer for me and so I want to pray it for you as well. This is my prayer for my brothers and sisters in 2012!
Father, sear the words of that song in our minds! Write it on our hearts! Brand it in our spirits! Etch it on our souls! Let our lungs breathe that truth! Let our voices declare that fact! Let us live lives that reflect the reality of those words!
When we do, Father, 2012 will be a banner year for the Kingdom! We will stop asking You to do what you have commanded us to do. Forgive us for asking You to heal the sick, and visit those in jail, and supply food for others, and to comfort the bereaved! That’s what You called us to do! This year we will be able to do what You have commissioned us to do if the truth of the words of that song are supernaturally carved into our beings! More souls will be saved this year than last. More missionaries in the war zone! The people of God encouraged to live out their God-given destinies and potential for the Kingdom!
Yes, Father, etch it on our hearts and . . .
- WE will heal the sick!
- WE will raise the dead!
- WE will visit the poor, sick, and afflicted!
- WE will comfort those who mourn!
- WE will drive out demons!
Let your Kingdom come, O Lord! Let your will be done! In Yeshua‘s Name! Amen.
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