This first song I sang on the morning of January 1, 2011 is “God Is Good All the Time.” Looking back on 2011, that was a most appropriate anthem to sing about our God! Another one that I sang is “Who is a God Like You.”

Here are some of the words:
Who is a god like You?
You are God!
Lord God strong and mighty!
You are God!
Lord God mighty in battle.
Creator of the heavens and the earth.
You are God!
You are God!

When I sang it, it brought me to tears! I prayed this prayer for me and so I want to pray it for you as well. This is my prayer for my brothers and sisters in 2012!

Father, sear the words of that song in our minds! Write it on our hearts! Brand it in our spirits! Etch it on our souls! Let our lungs breathe that truth! Let our voices declare that fact! Let us live lives that reflect the reality of those words!

When we do, Father, 2012 will be a banner year for the Kingdom! We will stop asking You to do what you have commanded us to do. Forgive us for asking You to heal the sick, and visit those in jail, and supply food for others, and to comfort the bereaved! That’s what You called us to do! This year we will be able to do what You have commissioned us to do if the truth of the words of that song are supernaturally carved into our beings! More souls will be saved this year than last. More missionaries in the war zone! The people of God encouraged to live out their God-given destinies and potential for the Kingdom!

Yes, Father, etch it on our hearts and . . .

  • WE will heal the sick!
  • WE will raise the dead!
  • WE will visit the poor, sick, and afflicted!
  • WE will comfort those who mourn!
  • WE will drive out demons!

Let your Kingdom come, O Lord! Let your will be done! In Yeshua‘s Name! Amen.


“We would not do anything like that!”

That is what Joseph’s brothers said to the servant!

Joseph had put a cup in his brother Benjamin’s satchel. Then Joseph sent a servant to his brothers to accuse them of theft. What Joseph did is not the issue here. The issue is with the brothers.

It is true they had not stolen the cup! They could not conceive of doing such a thing. The sons of Jacob steal a cup!? From an important man!? Never!

Yet, they had done something much worse.

  • First of all, they conceived murder in their minds. “Let’s kill him and throw his body into one of the wells” (Genesis 37:20). This is what they wanted to do to their little brother.
  • Had it not been for Reuben, they would have killed Joseph . According to Reuben’s suggestion, they throw him in a well, not dead, but alive. (Genesis 37:21)
  • Do you know what they did as Joseph was in the bottom of the well — no doubt calling for them to let him out? Crying. Begging! Pleading! I’ll tell you what they did. They sat down and ate lunch! (Genesis 37:25).
  • Then Judah had an idea: “Let’s sell him to the Ishmaelites. Then we will not be guilty of killing our brother. After all, he is our own flesh and blood” (Genesis 37:27). This was their own flesh and blood that they were about to sell into slavery!
  • Then they stage his murder by tearing his beautiful coat and covering it with animal’s blood. (Genesis 37: 31-32)
  • Then they watch their father grieve and then try to comfort him (Genesis 37:35), knowing that he could not be comforted — not even by all of his remaining children.

Yet, they could not conceive of ever stealing a cup . . . when they had stolen their brother’s life, their father’s joy, and the stability of a family.

What does this have to do with us? Oftentimes we are so appalled by accusations against us — to the point of even stating as the brothers did: “We could never do anything like that.”

Yet, we have done worse.

We have broken our Father’s heart over and over again. If false accusations come, let them remind us of how we have broken our Father’s heart, and let them spur us on to seeking to please him more. Let’s comfort our Father with our love and obedience. PRAYER: Father, forgive us for our false humility, even in the face of false accusations! Even if I have been wrongly accused of lying, I know that I have done worse. Thank you for saving me from myself and using everything in my life — even false accusations to point me in the direction of your amazing love and your amazing forgiveness. In Your son’s name I pray. Amen.



  • lying in the box (manger), seemingly so helpless and frail
  • squirming and restless in Miriam‘s (Mary’s) arms
  • nudging up against his mother’s breasts for feeding

                                       I see Him!


  • working in a carpenter’s shop
  • hands hardened and calloused, but nimble and accurate
  • watching people get hurt and others die
  • waiting for His time


  • doing what He came to do
  • healing this one and making that one whole
  • walking dusty streets
  • working, teaching, healing like there is no tomorrow

                              I see Him!


  • dying…
  • living…
  • rising…
  • promising…
  • …returning!


Father, help us to see what you see! You — choosing to come so humbly! You — experiencing the toils and pains of life that we do. You — coming back in all your glory! Yes, keep that moment ever in our spirit’s awareness! Amen!

Be blessed by this choral rendition of “Mary, Did You Know?” with clips from THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST.

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“It’s disappearing! The glow that Moses had on his face when he came down from the mountain after being with God — well, it’s disappearing! Maybe if the glow disappears, just maybe, just maybe, this God would disappear too.”

Did Moses think the Israelites reasoned like this? Look at what the Apostle Paul writes in 2 Corinthians 3:13 about this scenario.

“We are not like Moses, who put a covering over his face so the Israelites would not see it. The glory was disappearing, and Moses did not want them to see it end” (2 Corinthians 3:13).

Moses did not want them to see the glory end! He did not want this experience to be a passing phase for his people. What would they do when it disappeared? What would they do at the end? Would they still believe? Or would they doubt and complain and rebel?

So he covers his face.

Paul says earlier, “This new way (life in Yeshua) which continues forever has much greater glory” (2 Corinthians 3:11) than the former way which came with glory and then disappeared.

Don’t cover your faces! Don’t put your lights under a bushel! What is in you has greater glory and will last forever! Don’t be afraid that it will come to an end. It will never!

PRAYER: Father, thank you for Moses and the glory of the former house that you gave to him. Now we thank you for the glory of the latter house. May we live as though we are basking in a glory that will endure forever! That enduring glory will be the greatest testimony of an ever-present God who abides with us forever. Triple Amen!


When I took my son to school, I could not help but notice 7 or 8 turkey buzzards staking out their territory along the roadside. What is dead? I asked. It must be something really big. When I returned home some 20 minutes later, they were still there. Also, across the street, several of them had lined the frame of a building. What a sight! I noticed that a man had pulled his car to the side, gotten out, and positioned himself to take a picture of this sight. I still could not see what had died.

Two hours later, I ran an errand, and although my destination did not take me past the site of the buzzards, I could still see from the end of the road that they were still there, not only lining the frame of the building, but scattered about the roof. Then it dawned on me — “buzzards on the church”! That building was a church!

I wonder if in the spiritual — if we could see — would we notice dark, brooding forces over our buildings, waiting to see what has died or is about to die in our congregations? Whose flesh are they waiting to devour? What territory are they staking out? Are they calling in their friends? They see us dying in envy — full of pride and idolatry and self-righteousness  . . . so they stake out their claim! Photographers stop by gazing at the spectacle of our spiritual deaths and we pose for the camera, very much dead inside.

I just declare life over every congregation today that calls upon the name of Jesus/Yeshua! I pray for the swift exit flight of every spiritual buzzard as they see us rise to life and declare the works of the Lord! When we rise to life, they MUST flee! Let them hear us say…

  • “I rid myself of all evil, all lying, hypocrisy, jealousy, and all evil speech” (1 Peter 2:1)
  • “I put away all idols and I am the righteousness of God in Messiah!” (2 Corinthians 5:21)
PRAYER: Father, thank you that you have not called us to death . . . but to LIFE! We shake off the dead things and every adversarial minion that has staked a claim to our lives! They have no right here . . . not where there is life!  Help us to live that abundant life that you have for us today and always! L’Chaim! To Life in Messiah! Amen! 


This morning I woke up with a great sense of encouraging the saints today!

NEED A JOB? “But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:19). You know what that really means? He will supply ALL your needs according to the way it brings Him glory! So today say, “Be glorified in my life, Abba.” In so doing, you work with Him to facilitate your blessing!

DEPRESSED ABOUT THE HOLIDAYS? He is the lifter of your head. That means he wants you to say, “Abba, I give you permission to lift my head today and help me to look at all the blessings I have and not at what I don’t have.” That way, you work in tandem with Him to bless you with the things that will help you live a fuller life. “But thou, O LORD, art a shield for me; my glory, and the lifter up of mine head” (Psalm 3:3).

DIFFICULT RELATIONSHIPS? “He is our peace” (Ephesians 2:14). That is so comforting! You do not have to strive anymore. Let Him be your peace and speak to the storms in your life, in your marriage, or in your relationships with your children, co-workers, friends, family. Let’s say to Him, “Abba, thank you for being our peace. I accept your peace and I choose to walk in it today. I know you will give me the words to speak to others today inviting them to share that peace.”

Be encouraged today! You are so amazing to God because He has placed His “amazingness” in you! And just think, if you’re reading this, you know for sure that your Abba has you on His mind! So go ahead and be AMAZING today!


I recently heard a young woman say that after she was saved she felt sorry for satan, so she began praying for him.

I can understand that once you have received salvation that you want others to share in that wonderful experience and the amazing love of God. But I encouraged her not to spend any time praying for him or feeling sorry for him. He cannot be redeemed! He was in the very presence of God. He saw God’s face! There is nothing greater than that!

His name means adversary because that is what he is. God put enmity (hatred) between Eve’s seed and the seed of the serpent. Why? Because he knew that if he did not, we would not hate him. We would feel sorry for him! We would think that he means us good! We would court him and believe all of his lies. Adam and Eve did. They believed the biggest lie of all: “God knows that in the day that you eat of that fruit you will know good from evil and be like God” (Gen. 3:5). They were so deceived by his subtle lies that they did not realize that they were so like God that when God chose to come as a man he came as Adam — the second Adam.

We have so much to pray for — let’s pray for those who are falling prey to satan’s lies and manipulation, not for the Father of all Lies whose end is sure!

PRAYER: Father, you are so just and righteous that we trust your sovereignty in the adversary’s eternal destruction. We pray for those who have been beguiled by his lies. Open our eyes so that we may see the truth and not be swept away into a damnation that belongs to him and his angels, not to us — the ones made in your image. Amen.

Why the Earth Groans

Hurricane Irene is past, leaving billions of dollars worth of damage and a few deaths in her wake. Hurricane Katia loses speed far out at sea but forecasters believed she could regain strength. Tropical Storm Lee pours torrential rain upon the panhandle states, spawning twisters in its travels.
Fires ravage thousands of acres of Texas, incinerating trees, houses — anything in its path.

The Apostle Paul knew that this time would come. Since The Fall of Man, creation has been experiencing pangs. 2000 years ago, Paul said, “We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time.” He goes on to say that, “Not only so, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for our adoption to sonship, the redemption of our bodies” (Romans 8:22-23).

Wow! We are groaning! Did you know it? That’s why we ache. That’s why we have pain and disease. That’s why we experience hunger. Our bodies are yearning for the day when we will be whole and complete. And the earth is waiting for that day . . . for in that day, it too will be at peace.

PRAYER: Father, we thank you that the day is coming when all you created will be as you had designed — without flaw and defect. I know that the anguish of this life is just a temporary trial for the enduring and everlasting promise of being in your presence always, never growing tired of worshipping you. We await the day! Amen!

ENJOY “My Redeemer Lives” by Nicole C. Mullens:

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5 Hours Before Irene Hits Hampton Roads

One of my favorite psalms is Psalm 46. Let me share the words with you:
1 God is our refuge and strength,
an ever-present help in trouble.
2 Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way
and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea,
3 though its waters roar and foam
and the mountains quake with their surging.[c]

4 There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God,
the holy place where the Most High dwells.
7 The LORD Almighty is with us;
the God of Jacob is our fortress
10 He says, “Be still, and know that I am God;
I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth.”
Isn’t this encouraging! The God of Yaakov is our fortress! I want to encourage you — during this time as you batten down the hatches — to know that our trust is in Our Fortress. There is only one constant in this world and He is our Melech, our King, and we live in His Kingdom — the KINGDOM OF GOD! He calls us to enter into His rest on this Shabbat! What better time to beckon us to be still! What better time to beckon us to know that He is God — than on Shabbat! As God calls most of us along the East Coast to rest on His Shabbat, may the Lord grant you peace in your homes, your hearts, and your lives! May He protect you and keep you! May He be gracious to you! May He lift up His countenance upon you. May He show you His favor and grant you Shalom! And HE INDEED IS WILLING! Baruch Hashem! Hallelujah! He is Lord!

Hillsong sings a beautiful song based upon Psalms 46 entitled “Still”:

Listen and read the beautiful lyrics!

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1 Day Before Landfall in Hampton Roads
Of course, today I watched the news reports because now I want to walk circumspectly. Hurricane Irene was a huge juggernaut on the screen–Swirling circles of white, red, and yellow crawling up the East Coast. And she was a Category 3 storm!

These events spoke of what people were expecting:

  • My son’s band camp picnic and show demonstration was called off.
  • Services at my congregation were cancelled for the weekend.
  • Businesses were closing.
  • Shelves in supermarkets were almost bare.
  • Neighbors were cleaning up their yards making sure that any possible projectile would be stored away.

My family decided to hunker down and batten down the hatches. Then I spoke with others; some going to Charlottesville, some to Petersburg, some to Rocky Mount, NC. It was then that I realized the seriousness of the moment and the impending storm.

PRAYER: Father, bless your people and the entire East Coast! According to meteorologists, we have not been battered like this so massively since Hurricane Gloria. I thank you that we serve a God at whose voice the winds and the waves obey! Bless your people, Father.

Be ministered to by Hillsong as they sing “Still” based upon Psalm 46:

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