As I left the shopping center last night, my eyes were drawn to the moon. There it stood, a round, beautiful, white orb in the eastern sky. I smiled — not at the moon, per se, but at the moon’s Maker. I knew, without a doubt, that it was the middle of the Hebrew month Tevet. A full moon always occurs during the middle of the Hebrew month.
The Creator aligned the stars, planets and moons to his making! He said in Gen. 14:1, “Let there be lights in the vault of the sky to separate the day from the night, and let them serve as signs to mark sacred times, and days and years.”
He’s already marked everything for us. It’s done! We don’t need to try to “create” anything new! We don’t need an astrologer, a soothsayer or a fortuneteller. He’s marked it all!
I know that the full moon is called, by some, the “harvest moon” for farmer; the “hunter’s moon” for hunters; and attributed to all kinds of superstitious lore, but do you know that there was a full moon, probably the biggest, brightest full moon ever, the night the Children of Israel left Egypt? There was a full moon on the night Yeshua was born, the night Yeshua wept in the Garden of Gethsemane, and on the night of his crucifixion. All purposeful!! Only God!!!!!
He was the one who commanded us to watch for and observe the new moon each month so that we honor and follow His unique calendar and the arrival of His special holy days. So I have decided to align my life with what God is doing. Even though I live under the Gregorian calendar, I will not set my sights there. I will live according to it in the natural, but NOT in the spiritual! January is January in the natural, but Tevet is spiritual; it is the month God has ordained!
I will set my sights upon what He said He has designated for us, so that I will know the “sacred times, the days and the years,” not to worship the moon or any other celestial being, but to observe it to follow His Calendar.
Do you want to discover what God is doing? Well, let’s align our lives with His times. And when you see a crescent moon, a full moon or just a sliver of a moon, please know that God ordered it to be so at that time and He ordered it for you.
Jews pray at the sight of every new moon. Let me pray this prayer over you during this month of Tevet: “May it be Your will, O LORD our God and God of our fathers, that you renew for us a good month in our Lord Yeshua the Messiah! Amen!”
Chodesh Tov! Have a blessed month!
(Tevet ends January 20th and the month of Shevat begins on the 21st.)
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