If you have never been a part of, or witnessed, a TORAH SERVICE, we at Kingdom Life Messianic Congregation cordially invite you to attend ours.

Saturday, July 30th, 2016: 10:30 A.M.

1280 Bells Mill Road, Chesapeake 23322

Elton Frank, Scott Presson, and Pastor Juanita Weiss,  will be reading — in Hebrew — from the Torah Scroll.  The readings will come from Numbers (Bamidbar) 25:1-18 — “Parashah ‘Pinchas.'” Ray Boetcher,  pastor of River Room Church,
will have the honor of carrying the Torah during the Torah Processional. Join us afterwards for an oneg (a light lunch). It will be a time of honoring Yeshua, the One who Gave to His People the Torah, as we celebrate the Word of God and those who will come up to read!

We’re looking forward to seeing you there! This is a free event and will be part of our morning service.

In His Service & Yours, Pastors David & Juanita Weiss


Torah Scroll Dedication Service

Torah Scroll Dedication Service

If you have never been a part of or witnessed a TORAH SERVICE, we at Kingdom Life Messianic Congregation cordially invite you to attend ours.

Saturday, April 30th, 2016: 10:30 A.M.

Pastor David Weiss, Jeff Crumrine, and Shirley Lewis will be reading from the Hebrew Torah Scroll. You’ll get a special treat as Jeff Crumrine “cants” (sings) his Torah portion. The readings will come from Leviticus (Vayikra) 16 — “Parashah ‘Acharei Mot.'” Apostle Demontae Edmonds with Freedom 4 the Nations will have the honor of carrying the Torah during the Torah Processional. Join us afterwards for an oneg (a light lunch). It will be a time of honoring Yeshua, the Living Torah, as we celebrate the Word of God and those who will come up to read — in Hebrew — from the Scroll.

We’re looking forward to seeing you there! This is a free event and will be part of our morning service.

In His Service, Pastors David & Juanita Weiss


torah1You are cordially invited to participate in Kingdom Life Messianic Congregation’s Quarterly TORAH SERVICE! This is a most sacred occasion when the Torah Scroll is ceremoniously brought out, carried, read from, and lifted high. This written Torah points to The Living Torah: Yeshua, Our Messiah! Come, celebrate Yeshua in a way you may never have before. SATURDAY, JANUARY 30, 2016, 10:30 A.M., 1280 Bells Mill Road, Chesapeake, VA 23322.

Scott Presson, Deborah Forbes, and Pastor Juanita Weiss will have the honor of reading the weekly Torah Portion from a 125-year-old TORAH Scroll obtained by our congregation from Jerusalem–all in Hebrew!
Jew and Gentile will celebrate the sacredness of this event as Independent Baptist Preacher Dale Burden will have the honor of carrying the Torah! If you’ve never witnessed such an auspicious occasion, now is the time.

UnknownAfterwards, join us in a celebration of Tu B’Shavat (New Year of the Trees) as we taste of the 7 Species G-d promised to Eretz Israel: pomegranates, wheat, barley, dates, figs, olives, and grapes. See you then!

Shalom Overeecha b’Shem Yeshua (Peace & Blessings in the Name of Yeshua),
Pastors David & Juanita Weiss