“Give thanks to the Lord for He is good, for His mercies endureth forever!” I (Psalm 136:1)
We are thankful….
that we live in a country which allows us civil and religious freedoms;
that we serve a God who is good;
that terrorists do not have the final word;
We are thankful….
for family and friends, jobs and co-workers;
for life, health and strength;
for the sure mercies of David upon all those who believe;
We are thankful….
because every day that we breathe we get to know His love, His mercy, His grace;
because 2000 years ago, the chasm between us and God was bridged;
because Yeshua gave us a promise of a life to come;
We are thankful….that we can count you among our blessings!
“In everything give thanks for this is the will of God concerning you” (1 Thessalonians 5:18).
May your thanksgiving abound with remembering these blessings as well! Happy Thanksgiving from our house to yours!
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